Delta Variant: Natural Immunity 700% Better Than the Vaccine

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Let’s start with the biggest question that is not getting adequately answered by anyone in government, mainstream media, academia, or Big Pharma. Why is natural immunity to Covid-19 being disregarded completely? It’s not just getting ignored. The powers-that-be are actively and aggressively quashing every question, “debunking” every study, and torturing every number they can get their hands on in order to make them say what they want.

The agenda to drive universal vaccinations of the populace has forced them into a corner when it comes to the question of natural immunity. They can’t say it’s not a reasonable question, nor can they say it’s already been answered properly. They just say this organization or that doctor or some study shows that even those with natural immunity must still get vaccinated. When pressed, they invoke the logical fallacy known as begging the question; they use the affirmative answer to the question of whether people who have recovered from Covid-19 should get vaccinated as the evidence that they should.

The numbers don’t back up this claim, though studies have been limited due to pressure from the powers-that-be. Logic doesn’t support the claims, either, as only an infinitesimal percentage of people who have recovered from Covid-19 have become infected again. Science definitely does not back the claim since literally every known virus prior to Covid-19 has been better-prevented by natural immunity than vaccines.

This last point is important because it brings up the original necessity for vaccines of the past. The only times vaccines were deemed necessary were when a viral infection had a poor recovery rate. Polio, for example, was simply too potentially dangerous for people to rely on natural immunity. Sure, those who recovered were protected, but a large percentage of people who contracted polio had reasonable fears of death or debilitation. Covid-19 has a 99.97% recovery rate for otherwise healthy people under 50.

Sometimes, vaccines are able to get close to the efficacy of natural immunity. Covid-19 is not one of those cases. As Dr. Joseph Mercola details below, natural immunity is so extraordinarily superior to vaccine immunity that one should question whether vaccinating those who have recovered from Covid-19 actually does more harm than good. I’m not just talking about the astronomical number of adverse reactions reported to VAERS, now approaching 500,000. I’m referring to studies that have shown vaccinated people who already have natural immunity may actually increase their chances of getting it again by essentially confusing the body into creating weaker resistance to the coronavirus.

The powers-that-be may torture the numbers to become statistics that fit their agenda, but the raw data doesn’t like. That’s why it’s shocking so few have reported on the clearly higher efficacy of natural immunity, particularly against the Delta Variant, over vaccines.

We actually covered this before, though not nearly as authoritatively as Dr. Mercola does below. But here’s the thing, and it’s extremely important to understand. Those of us who are fighting for the truth need to be repetitive. We need to hammer home the message, and if that means taking each individual topic and hammering it home a dozen times a week, so be it. Those who are pushing vaccines have no problem telling us every hour of every day how silly we are for asking questions. When we get answers such as those offered below, we must keep pushing it out to all who will listen.

The people need to hear the truth over and over again because I can assure you they’re hearing the drumbeat of lies incessantly. With the Delta Variant, the long list of lies continues to expand. We need facts to be broadcast loud and clear. To that end, here’s Dr. Mercola…

  • Data presented to the Israeli Health Ministry July 17, 2021, revealed that, of the more than 7,700 COVID-19 cases reported since May 2021, only 72 occurred in people who had previously had COVID-19 — a rate of less than 1%
  • In contrast, more than 3,000 cases — or approximately 40% — occurred in people who had received a COVID-19 vaccine
  • In other words, those who were vaccinated were nearly 700% more likely to develop COVID-19 than those who had natural immunity from a prior infection — and this is largely in response to the Delta variant, which has led to increasing infections in Israel
  • It’s extremely rare to get reinfected by COVID-19 after you’ve already had the disease and recovered; one study found the median reinfection rate was just 0.27%
  • With effective treatments available, the documented high survival rate of COVID-19 and knowledge that if you’ve had COVID-19, you’re already likely immune to further infection, the rationale for getting vaccinated is faltering
That's funny. I like what they did with this. Does it make you feel bad that the people who wrote it are well paid and you are still working on 27 cents a post?
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