Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
That was thos mornings work.. tool all the string off it so it wasntin the (please give me )buds turned the pot 180 will that help my burnt leaf tips.. shall give it a final tuck tomoz.. took they dodgy leaves off to and took pics if yous wana see them without the light on



Well-Known Member
I was just stating the time difference, go to bed when you are tired, I really don't care.
I know sorry sarcasms dulled down now time to chill eh.. that waz them leaves from thos morn if you want to pass on some knowledge 20210728_104521.jpg


Well-Known Member
@curious2garden I tried the Ethiopian Yirgacheffe yesterday & this morning.. IMO nothing special, lacked richness, wont be buying it again.
I also ordered the Big Bad Baptist a couple of weeks ago, called them up to see if it was in... "What order?" BevMo. Reordered.
So I Ordered this...
View attachment 4953325
pretty killer stuff, I will reorder.
Try Old Rasputin from North Coast brewery, good strong stuff, tasty also.


Smoke and Mirrors
Staff member
@curious2garden I tried the Ethiopian Yirgacheffe yesterday & this morning.. IMO nothing special, lacked richness, wont be buying it again.
I also ordered the Big Bad Baptist a couple of weeks ago, called them up to see if it was in... "What order?" BevMo. Reordered.
So I Ordered this...
View attachment 4953325
pretty killer stuff, I will reorder.
Looks yummy. When it shows up let us know!


Well-Known Member
@curious2garden I tried the Ethiopian Yirgacheffe yesterday & this morning.. IMO nothing special, lacked richness, wont be buying it again.
I also ordered the Big Bad Baptist a couple of weeks ago, called them up to see if it was in... "What order?" BevMo. Reordered.
So I Ordered this...
View attachment 4953325
pretty killer stuff, I will reorder.
Stongest beer ive seen lol bet it was bitter as... mcewans champion thats a winner