Biden’s History of Getting Away With Racist Remarks

Nope, just a freedom loving American Patriot, that knows a good thing when I see it. Trump was the greatest thing to ever happen to this country. Now we just have a brain dead, facist, controlled vegetable. Thankfully the tides a turnin, audits are being conducted all over this country as we speak. The results already released are exponential and soon there will be a correction, that will put this country back on track, to being the Greatest Country in the World!

Thanks for stopping by and voicing your opinion. Isn't it great that you live in a free country, where voicing your opinion is allowed without fear of persecution?
Fuck yeah I love it!!!
What are your opinions on the Chinese Communist Party and covid 19??
Trump can grab my pussy, anytime he wants too!
I guess as gross as that is, it is still better than Trump raping a child.
Trump can grab my pussy, anytime he wants too!


Interesting comment from a Christian. I guess things have changed. :-(

~Master of Aeroponics~Redhead~Patriot~Health Care Worker~Mother~Wife~Daughter~Christian~Air Force Brat of 31 Year Retired Colonel~#MAGA