Having Surgery Today... Will I die!?!?!?!!


Well-Known Member
ok so i am a regular smoker, smoke everyday, usually 2-4 times per day. I'm going in for surgery today, at 11:30 am. I am kinda freakin out cuz all this stuff makes me so nervous. Im supposed to be getting general anesthesia. So waht I really want to to right now, is smoke to calm my ass down. But then I think hmmmm maybe smoking before surgery could be a bad idea?
So I google. and apparently, I'm gonna die :(
On a brighter note- since I have been smoking every single day anyway, it prob won't make a difference if I smoke right now?? One final toke before I go lol.
Anyone have experience as a toner going under? Did you stop smoking for a week beforehand or smoke that day? I want to know what to expect. I don't know if I should tell my doc or not, I don't want her to cancel the surgery. I really need it.
BTW they are not actually cutting into me, rather, snaking a tube up my...hmm lets not get into that. ANy advice ???? Thanks guys!!!


Well-Known Member
I am a stoner and I smoked before all of my surgeries, it kept me calm....You won't die.
Just try to relax and keep your stress levels down, that is the key.
They don't want you to smoke because of clots. They are professionals, they will monitor you. Don't worry.


Well-Known Member
Just be Honest .. If you dont tell then they wont know .. I doubt you will die but if its a Major surgery i would tell my DR .. Good luck.. You'll be fine

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Dude, just a pinch between the cheek & gum... the north side cheeks. Dr. Longfingers is waiting for you.


Well-Known Member
Thanks so much sunnyside!! Its great to hear your experience. When I goggled I kept reading these replies on like yahoo answers that I am going to die.... scary shit... gonna toke right now!! And my stress will melt away :)
DO you think I should inform the doctors of my cannabis usage?


Well-Known Member
Thanks so much sunnyside!! Its great to hear your experience. When I goggled I kept reading these replies on like yahoo answers that I am going to die.... scary shit... gonna toke right now!! And my stress will melt away :)
DO you think I should inform the doctors of my cannabis usage?
They always asked me, and, I told them. They will ask you if you smoke and tell them yes.
I'm glad your stress is down, I have learned that is the key. I have been through 14 surgeries and I smoked before each one. They will put your legs in stockings to help with circulation and they will monitor you closely.
Good luck! You will be fine. Make sure you follow up this thread so I know you are okay....:peace:


Well-Known Member
They always asked me, and, I told them. They will ask you if you smoke and tell them yes.
I'm glad your stress is down, I have learned that is the key. I have been through 14 surgeries and I smoked before each one. They will put your legs in stockings to help with circulation and they will monitor you closely.
Good luck! You will be fine. Make sure you follow up this thread so I know you are okay....:peace:
I will def follow up tonight or tomorrow!! I miss site so much! I disappeared for awhile due to just a crazy life but i really need to make the time. ppl here are in general just redic awesome. :)
And i never finished my grow journal AND i just started a brainstorm grow i really want to post about!

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Smoking anything before going under General Anesthesia is a no no and you shouldn't do it. I don't believe anyone can say definitively one way or the other if anything bad is going to happen. While a lot of people here are knowledgeable... even in the medical arena..... none of us are your doctor and have no idea of your medical history so none of us can really give you an answer.

Personally I think you should be straight up with your doctor and tell him/her what you smoke, how much/often and when the last time you smoked is. How can you expect your doctor to do their best possible job without all the information? This is not a stick-on tattoo we are talking about... this is something you put inside your body.... something that can affect heart rate and blood pressure.... something your doctor should be informed of.

You might really need the surgery.... but staying alive should be your first priority. Surgery can be re-schedule if needed. I think you should tell your doctor and see what he/she says. If they want to re-schedule and tell you not to smoke for a week before the surgery ..... then listen to them and don't do it.

There may be others here who say 'it's no big deal... don't say anything'.... but they aren't physicians... and even if they were... they aren't YOUR physician. This also isn't something you can take advice based on any of our experiences because every body is different and what was fine for one is not necessarily fine for another.

I know there is a lot of mistrust of the medical community here in the mj community.... but you need to put that aside here. This is not about the pros and cons of mj use... this is about making sure your doctor is fully informed of what you've put into your body so they can make informed decisions while treating you. Your doctor wants the best possible outcome for you..... so do yourself and your physician a favor and be honest.

Best of luck :peace:


Active Member
if your having a scope', they usually give IV midazolam in some cases, which is really stress relieving [fucking euphoric!] find out. dont smoke before the op, it will interefere with the half-life of the anaesthetic and may cause heavier respiratory failure, if it were to come to that.

just a tip- most surgeons are looking for work, save your bowel by looking for natural solutions to whatever problem you have, even taking a small part out can interfere with absorbtion of specific vitamins [namely B12, folic acid etc] and some problems are likely to return in neighboring bowel within months :\

pm me if you need any advice, i have a over a decade worth of medical knowledge under my belt, namely gastro/neurological-endocrinal/immunology-histology/clinical studies/IBS/nutrition/..
my advice isnt biased as i dont get paid by surgeons or pharmaceutical companys :)


Well-Known Member
ok well not smoking is out... its too late! Just toked my bowl and I feel 100 times better!

I will def tell my doc. its not a scope- their putting in a tube to dialate my urethra. honestly the thing that scares/bother me most is that i'm gonna have a bunch of strangers looking at my poor naked girlie parts...

And my doc told me that the procedure can be done while awake but its very very painful. but if she is afraid the general could interfere w/ smoking i'd rather deal w/ the pain than stop smoking for a week.... I'll go thru w/ it without the anesthesia if I have to...


Well-Known Member
I shaved my legs AND everything else :) i'm gonna touch up in the shower w/ a mirror right before i leave

i dunno why but pubes just really gross me out

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
You do not want to deal with the pain.I repeat.No.You.Don't.When they do shit with your parts,painkiller is always the choice to make.One or two tokes should be ok.Or try deep breathing if you're scared.I personally have never told a doc about my drug use,cuz then they may not give me more drugs.
ok well not smoking is out... its too late! Just toked my bowl and I feel 100 times better!

I will def tell my doc. its not a scope- their putting in a tube to dialate my urethra. honestly the thing that scares/bother me most is that i'm gonna have a bunch of strangers looking at my poor naked girlie parts...

And my doc told me that the procedure can be done while awake but its very very painful. but if she is afraid the general could interfere w/ smoking i'd rather deal w/ the pain than stop smoking for a week.... I'll go thru w/ it without the anesthesia if I have to...