Pandemic 2020

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I take issue with the idea of demasking. The one thing the scenario (and I am assuming that @printer is being serious) does not figure in is that wearing masks is still keeping us from cratering the health care system locally or regionally. We could look like India if the good citizens among us give in to mask fatigue. And we'd certainly be adding to the creaking load our health pros are already enduring. Tjhat's not being very neighborly.

I wear mine even though I have both Pfizer. It protects against symptomatic illness, but it is almost useless at slowing the rapid transmission. I'll reevualuate after the booster comes through and has been largely deployed.
I agree with the mask thing, I didn't read it really close I guess. Sorry about that. Good catch, Thank you.

I just figured it was inevitable that this virus is going to burn its way across our population because so many people are acting irresponsible and it being so easily spread. But you are right, it is too far to say the masks thing. If nothing else, this is just this pandemic and as a species we really need to learn how to minimize our exposure to each other's air.
I believe masks protect you and others, even surgical masks work fine at slowing this down, an N95 is very effective and has protected healthcare workers for months. Some vaxxed people get delta, but many do not and a vaccine plus a good mask should help reduce the spread until you can get vaxxed to the max.

And the spread of the flu and common cold.
I take issue with the idea of demasking. The one thing the scenario (and I am assuming that @printer is being serious) does not figure in is that wearing masks is still keeping us from cratering the health care system locally or regionally. We could look like India if the good citizens among us give in to mask fatigue. I worry about Epsilon changing the game for the worse. This bug is a fast-moving target, and every gunner knows you have to lead it.Even without Epsilon we'd certainly be adding to the creaking load our health pros are already enduring. Tjhat's not being very neighborly.

I wear mine even though I have both Pfizer. It protects against symptomatic illness, but it is almost useless at slowing the rapid transmission. I'll reevualuate after the booster comes through and has been largely deployed.
No, the maskless remark was a little over the top, not really serious. I spent ten years working in a hospital and seen people in the ICU hanging onto life. Don't want any more of that then necessary, I also have a real caring spot for the healthcare workers. There is always a risk for them treating the cases, even just burnout is bad.
Yep, driving the bus with Ron "Jesus take wheel" DeSantis, AWOL and doing all he can to make a bad situation worse to trigger the libs. The trouble is half his base are being setup to be slaughtered and the other half is vaxxed up and wondering WTF he's doing, along with everybody else. Playing politics with pandemics is deadly and it's mostly the republican base who are gonna catch delta. No masks and no NPIs mean exponential delta infection and DeSantis doesn't want kids to wear masks in school and is making mandating them for municipal governments illegal. All to pander to a minority of about 20 to 30% of the population for obvious political purposes.
Florida Sets New Daily High For Covid-19 Hospitalizations

Florida set a new daily high for Covid-19 hospitalizations with over 10,000 new Covid patients admitted, majority of those patients being the 40 percent who are unvaccinated. NBC’s Vaughn Hillyard reports.
Alabama Is Now Fighting A Two-Front War, Says Doctor

Dr. Michael Saag of the University of Alabama joins Morning Joe to discuss infection and hospitalization rates along with vaccination rates in his state and the fight against misinformation about the coronavirus vaccine.
I have antenna TV at the riverhouse, and get the Dothan Al stations. One of the channels does the late news from Birmingham an hour earlier than the locals, so I watch it. They are not pulling any punches. They open with the numbers every night. They break it down by county, hospital chain, etc, etc. They say that Alabama is the least vaxed. They talk to doctors who pound the fact it's safe and effective. I hope it's a widely watched channel. They are doing their bit.
I have antenna TV at the riverhouse, and get the Dothan Al stations. One of the channels does the late news from Birmingham an hour earlier than the locals, so I watch it. They are not pulling any punches. They open with the numbers every night. They break it down by county, hospital chain, etc, etc. They say that Alabama is the least vaxed. They talk to doctors who pound the fact it's safe and effective. I hope it's a widely watched channel. They are doing their bit.
It's harder to say it's all fake or overblown when it's screaming at them from all the local TV news stations. Vaxx rates are going up, but it might be a case of too little, too late
No, the maskless remark was a little over the top, not really serious. I spent ten years working in a hospital and seen people in the ICU hanging onto life. Don't want any more of that then necessary, I also have a real caring spot for the healthcare workers. There is always a risk for them treating the cases, even just burnout is bad.
Your revision discharges my objection. I agree with the rest.
The U.S. is wasting vaccine doses, even as cases rise and other countries suffer shortages………

A survey of data from 10 states shows that about one million doses have gone to waste since the nation began administering Covid-19 vaccines in December.

Much of the loss has come as demand for inoculations plummeted, with the daily rate of vaccinations now at less than one-fifth of its peak average of 3.4 million shots, reached in mid-April.

More than 110,000 doses have been destroyed in Georgia, officials there said. Of the more than 53,000 doses wasted in New Jersey, nearly 20,000 were discarded in June, up from around 4,000 in April. Around 50,000 doses in Maryland were not used, officials said.

In Ohio, state officials reported on July 20 that more than 370,000 doses have been reported as unusable by state providers. [Update Aug. 2, 2021: On Monday, the day after this article was originally published, a spokeswoman for the state health department revised the number downward to more than 230,000.

Reasons for vaccine wastage include breakage, storage and transportation problems, expiration, and shots that were prepared but not used after people did not show up for appointments, officials said. In many states, data shows that wasted or unusable doses are no more than about 2 percent of those received from the federal government and successfully administered.
Whats sad is the opportunity to use vaccines HERE yet are wasted even to those other countries that have been able to get help.

Like japan , which is surprising to me , a country leading in technology is becoming a dead zone.

I believe the U.S. olympians will bring back “ more “ than medals.

Maybe a Decon chamber like deep sea divers flooded with nano-biological vaccine agents via encapsulates . ( actually surprised there isnt an inhaled innoculant for this - straight to the lungs like a breathing treatment) …. Imagine the dough if someone figured out a direct approach to affected areas:bigjoint:-
King Solomon money !

Lindsey Graham ( Lady G ) tests positive for Covid-19 and has had 'flu-like symptoms' despite being vaccinated .. :mrgreen:

"I was just informed by the House physician I have tested positive for #COVID19 even after being vaccinated. I started having flu-like symptoms Saturday night and went to the doctor this morning," he tweeted.

Thought and prayers …

I believe the U.S. olympians will bring back “ more “ than medals.

Maybe a Decon chamber like deep sea divers flooded with nano-biological vaccine agents via encapsulates . ( actually surprised there isnt an inhaled innoculant for this - straight to the lungs like a breathing treatment) …. Imagine the dough if someone figured out a direct approach to affected areas:bigjoint:-
King Solomon money !

Bleach solution?
I bet poor people in rural India would take 98% effective......anything.
I though about that. But at 2% loss rate, I think once G8 vax has slowed down, we send the freed-up amd nonexpired capacity to Africa, Asia etc. I believe we could do that if we wanted. If our real aim was to save as many people as possible.
And who knows what future benefits we mightget from humanitarian vax diplomacy.
Vaccinated GOP Sen. Graham Has 'Mild' COVID-19 Case
"I feel like I have a sinus infection and at present time I have mild symptoms," he said.

Graham, 66, said he will quarantine for 10 days, likely taking him out of the Senate for the votes on the bipartisan infrastructure plan he helped negotiate. And, as the ranking Republican on the Senate Budget Committee, he would be expected to lead GOP opposition to the budget resolution Democrats also expect to debate before the August recess.

In an evenly divided Senate, the absence of just one senator can dramatically alter the prospects for legislation.

Graham's diagnosis came as efforts to control the spread of the virus have become a renewed source of controversy in the Capitol. House Republicans have pushed back against a decision by Congress' chief physician to mandate masks in the chamber. The Senate does not have such a requirement, and Graham along with many other senators have been working without masks.

Two House members recently said they tested positive for COVID, and several staff members also have been infected.

Graham said he was "very glad" he was vaccinated.

"Without vaccination I am certain I would not feel as well as I do now," Graham tweeted. "My symptoms would be far worse."

And the part I was really curious about, the comments.

oh now cause he had the shots...his cases are mild by gov't accounts...that's total bs....

how does he know it would have been worse w/o the vax............he might not have even got it.
if you get the 'vax' and can still get the flu, why bother with violating your dna........

As Florida COVID Cases Spike, Miami Beach Mayor Says Gov. Ron DeSantis is Leading State 'Off a Cliff'. This could not be a worst time for RON. This COVID problem will be baggage he will not be able to carry when he try's to run for President

so the cold the hell what...their hospital admissions are because the state is full of illegals..they have no where else to go but the ER....that's considered a hospital admittance. They may test positive on the visit...but not need a hospital people are so easily fooled...stats are only as good as the question ask..

The numbers the CDC is hiding: only 8/10,000 vaccinated get re-infected. Only 3/10,000 re-infected actually need any hospital treatment. The Trump vaccine works, you know, the one the dems warned you against until Joe stole the elction.

Facts Unlimited
So, Sen. Graham is singing the praises of Trump’s vaccine. Yes, as he said, he could be feeling far worse than he does right now. Trump’s vaccine could have easily saved his life. I just hope he didn’t infect anybody who is UN-vaccined.

Linda Berry
when vaccinations first started, they stated that if you should get covid after the shots it would be a mild case. and so far.....they all have been.

That makes perfect sense, since Covid is a mild virus just like the Flu.

Live Free or Die
Vaccinated GOP Sen. Graham Has 'Mild' COVID-19 Case
"I feel like I have a sinus infection and at present time I have mild symptoms," he said.

Graham, 66, said he will quarantine for 10 days, likely taking him out of the Senate for the votes on the bipartisan infrastructure plan he helped negotiate. And, as the ranking Republican on the Senate Budget Committee, he would be expected to lead GOP opposition to the budget resolution Democrats also expect to debate before the August recess.

In an evenly divided Senate, the absence of just one senator can dramatically alter the prospects for legislation.

Graham's diagnosis came as efforts to control the spread of the virus have become a renewed source of controversy in the Capitol. House Republicans have pushed back against a decision by Congress' chief physician to mandate masks in the chamber. The Senate does not have such a requirement, and Graham along with many other senators have been working without masks.

Two House members recently said they tested positive for COVID, and several staff members also have been infected.

Graham said he was "very glad" he was vaccinated.

"Without vaccination I am certain I would not feel as well as I do now," Graham tweeted. "My symptoms would be far worse."

And the part I was really curious about, the comments.

oh now cause he had the shots...his cases are mild by gov't accounts...that's total bs....

how does he know it would have been worse w/o the vax............he might not have even got it.
if you get the 'vax' and can still get the flu, why bother with violating your dna........

As Florida COVID Cases Spike, Miami Beach Mayor Says Gov. Ron DeSantis is Leading State 'Off a Cliff'. This could not be a worst time for RON. This COVID problem will be baggage he will not be able to carry when he try's to run for President

so the cold the hell what...their hospital admissions are because the state is full of illegals..they have no where else to go but the ER....that's considered a hospital admittance. They may test positive on the visit...but not need a hospital people are so easily fooled...stats are only as good as the question ask..

The numbers the CDC is hiding: only 8/10,000 vaccinated get re-infected. Only 3/10,000 re-infected actually need any hospital treatment. The Trump vaccine works, you know, the one the dems warned you against until Joe stole the elction.

Facts Unlimited
So, Sen. Graham is singing the praises of Trump’s vaccine. Yes, as he said, he could be feeling far worse than he does right now. Trump’s vaccine could have easily saved his life. I just hope he didn’t infect anybody who is UN-vaccined.

Linda Berry
when vaccinations first started, they stated that if you should get covid after the shots it would be a mild case. and so far.....they all have been.

That makes perfect sense, since Covid is a mild virus just like the Flu.

Live Free or Die
I wish that fucker got Covid before he was vaccinated.
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