Is there any truth into forcing a seed to become a female?


Well-Known Member
So just as the title says!
Is there any method into forcing a seed into becoming a female?
Or is it all just in the genetics of the seed.
I ask simply because I have heard you can, but was never told how to, if it was true.


Well-Known Member
There are feminized seeds and there are Regular seeds if your using reg seeds there is no way to know luck of the draw. Good Luck, happy growing

Yes, so I have some regular seeds from Humboldt seed company. I am going to germ them and start a new set. Hopefully I will be blessed with little girls.
Thanks y'all.


Well-Known Member
No you can't.

There is also a broscience chart floating around that claims you can tell the sex of the seed based on some visual identification. That's pure crap as well.


Well-Known Member
No you can't.

There is also a broscience chart floating around that claims you can tell the sex of the seed based on some visual identification. That's pure crap as well.
I remember that black and white photo chart - something with the seed’s volcano shaped bunghole or something like that.