Pandemic 2020

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CDC: Delta variant accounts for 93 percent of all infections
For the two-week period ending July 31, all the different lineages of the delta variant made up about 93 percent of cases that were sequenced.

In some parts of the country with low vaccination rates, especially the Midwest region that includes Kansas, Iowa and Missouri, the percentages are even higher.

Vaccination has been uneven across states, and only about half of all eligible people nationwide are fully vaccinated.

Just two weeks ago, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said the delta variant was responsible for 83 percent of all sequenced COVID-19 cases.
Call me a optimist! @captainmorgan the great killer strain. We'll all be emergency boosted as the stops come out, the unvaxxed and unboosted will be dead or worse.

A Doomsday COVID Variant Worse Than Delta and Lambda May Be Coming, Scientists Say

Scientists keep underestimating the coronavirus. In the beginning of the pandemic, they said mutated versions of the virus wouldn't be much of a problem—until the more-infectious Alpha caused a spike in cases last fall. Then Beta made young people sicker and Gamma reinfected those who'd already recovered from COVID-19. Still, by March, as the winter surge in the U.S. receded, some epidemiologists were cautiously optimistic that the rapid vaccine rollout would soon tame the variants and cause the pandemic to wind down.

Delta has now shattered that optimism. This variant, first identified in India in December, spreads faster than any previous strain of SARS-CoV-2, as the COVID-19 virus is officially named. It is driving up infection rates in every state of the U.S., prompting the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to once again recommend universal mask-wearing.

The Delta outbreak is going to get much worse, warns Michael Osterholm, an epidemiologist who leads the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota. "The number of intensive-care beds needed could be higher than any time we've seen," he says. He adds that his team's analysis shows that almost every single one of the 100 million unvaccinated Americans who hasn't had COVID-19 yet will likely get it in the coming months, short of taking the sort of strong isolation and masking precautions that seem unlikely in the vaccine-hesitant population.

The variant is so contagious that it's set to smash through every previous prediction of how soon the U.S. might reach herd immunity. "We've failed to shut this down as we have other pandemics," says Jonathan Eisen, a biologist at the University of California, Davis, who studies how pathogens evolve. "It may be around forevermore, leaving us continually trying to figure out what to do next."

Delta, like most of the other variants, blindsided us, worsening and extending the pandemic. When the damage from Delta starts to subside, what other variants will be lurking just behind it to pull us back down again? The World Health Organization is already keeping an eye on several: Eta, which is now in several countries; Kappa, which arose in India; Iota, which first popped up in New York City—and especially Lambda, which has torn through Peru and shows signs of having unusual success in infecting fully vaccinated people, according to one early study. It has already spread to Argentina, Chile, Ecuador as well as Texas and South Carolina.

It's too soon to say whether Lambda will turn out to be the next big, bad thing that COVID-19 unleashes on us. But it's a good time to wonder: Just how destructive can these variants get? Will future variants expand their attack from the lungs to the brain, the heart and other organs? Will they take a page from HIV and trick people into thinking they've recovered, only to make them sick later? Is there a Doomsday variant out there that shrugs off vaccines, spreads like wildfire and leaves more of its victims much sicker than anything we've yet seen?

The odds are not high that we will see such a triple threat, but experts can't rule it out. Delta has already shown how much worse things can get. Its extreme contagiousness, with room to run freely through the tens of millions of Americans who haven't been vaccinated and millions more who have no access to vaccines in developing countries, has good odds of turning into something even more troublesome. "The next variant," says Osterholm, "could be Delta on steroids."

Caught Off-Guard
It wasn't supposed to happen this way. Early in the pandemic, most experts closely studying COVID-19 mutations downplayed the notion that variants would cause such serious problems. "They don't seem to make much of a difference," said Richard Neher, an evolutionary biologist at Switzerland's University of Basel, in August last year. "We probably only need to worry about it on a timescale of about five years." Today he calls Delta and other COVID-19 variants "the pandemic within the pandemic."

Delta, more than any other variant, has reset scientists' understanding of how quickly a virus can evolve into devastating new forms. "All coronaviruses mutate, and we knew this one was mutating, too," says Sharone Green, a physician and infectious disease researcher at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. "But we didn't think the mutations would so strikingly affect transmissibility and possible evasion of immunity."

It may seem surprising that scientists were caught off-guard by the rapid emergence of a more dangerous variant. But unlike most other pathogens, Eisen notes SARS-CoV-2 was largely unknown when it emerged. In the absence of data, scientists assumed it would follow other viruses in being relatively slow to spin off much more contagious mutations. Even more important, he adds, scientists underestimated the sheer scale the pandemic would eventually achieve—a critical factor, because the more people a virus infects, the more opportunities it has to develop significant mutations. "Having billions of people infected presents a breeding ground for variants unlike anything we've ever seen with these sorts of viruses," he says.

SARS-CoV-2 doesn't mutate particularly quickly, compared to many pathogens. Just as with most human and other cells, a mutation occurs in a virus when it replicates but fails to make a perfect copy of its genetic material. That imperfect copy is a mutant. The COVID-19 virus doesn't have a lot of genetic material to scramble compared to most organisms—about 15 genes, versus about 3,000 genes in an E. coli bacterium, a run-of-the-mill stomach bug, and about 20,000 in a human cell. What's more, COVID-19 has genetic checking mechanisms that make it reasonably adept at avoiding replication mistakes compared to most viruses.

But while COVID-19's mutation rate is on the low side—about one mutation for every 10 replications, or around a fifth of the flu's mutation rate and a tenth of HIV's—COVID-19 takes advantage of a grim numbers game. A single person infected with COVID-19 might carry 10 billion copies of the virus, enough to produce billions of mutated viruses every day. What happens to all those mutations? Almost always the answer is: nothing. The genetic scrambling is random, with the result that virtually all mutations either have no effect whatsoever on the virus, or else do something that makes the virus less effective or even renders it entirely non-functional.

But once in a while—perhaps every million trillion times—a random mutation confers some potentially dangerous new characteristic. What's more, much of what makes the virus dangerous has to do with a relatively small portion—the so-called spike proteins that protrude from its surface and enable the virus to latch onto and penetrate human cells. Most of the mutations we've seen so far represent tweaks to these spikes, which means it only takes a minimal change within any of the few viral genes that control the spikes to create a newly threatening mutation.

But even when a virus hits the jackpot with a mutation that sharpens its ability to wreak havoc, that doesn't mean a dangerous new variant has emerged. To become a significant variant, a mutated virus has to out-replicate the far more numerous copies of the virus that already predominate in the population, and to do that it needs features that give it big advantages.

What specific features will help the mutation become a better replicator and spreader in the population is determined by the environment. For example, in the case of a respiratory virus like COVID-19, the ability to travel longer distances in the air, and to latch more firmly onto cells in the nasal passage, would likely make a new strain a better contender to become a widely spreading variant.

"A virus' job is just to keep propagating," says Green. "Any mutation that helps the virus survive and spread will make it more successful as a variant."

All told, the chances that a virus in the population will produce a much more dangerous variant in the course of a year would normally be extremely low. But when billions of people are infected with billions of copies of a virus, all bets are off. Thanks to Delta's infectiousness, and the huge number of people whose refusal or inability to get vaccinated leaves them primed to become living COVID-19 mutation labs, the conditions are ripe to produce yet more, potentially more dangerous, variants in the coming months.

"It's going to be very difficult to stop it from happening with masks and social distancing at this point," says Preeti Malani, a physician and infectious disease researcher and chief health officer at the University of Michigan. "Vaccines are the key, and vaccine hesitancy is the obstacle."

The growing number of people with natural immunity, from having recovered from COVID-19, won't save the day either, says Eric Vail, director of molecular pathology at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. "At best it's now a third of the U.S. population with natural immunity, and that may be an overestimation," he says. "It won't be enough to guarantee that Delta will be the last big variant."
Dallas official removed from meeting for not wearing mask
Dallas County Commissioner J.J. Koch (R) was removed from a courtroom Tuesday for not wearing a mask, local news outlets reported.

County Judge Clay Jenkins asked a bailiff to escort the commissioner from the courtroom after the official refused to wear a mask. Everyone else present in court donned a face covering.

Koch's refusal to wear a mask comes after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a new guidance last week stating that vaccinated individuals should mask up in areas where coronavirus infections are increasing.

The newest guidance prompted outrage from Republican across the country, including in Washington, D.C., who said that they will continue to go unmasked indoors.

Over 2,000 new cases were reported by the state department of health Tuesday, causing many to grow more concerned about the spread of the virus.
Record Numbers Of Children Hospitalized In Louisiana Amid Delta Surge

Dr. Mark Kline, physician-in-chief at Children's Hospital New Orleans, tells Lawrence O'Donnell that more children than ever in the pandemic are being hospitalized for Covid-19 in his hospital: "The Delta variant is a game changer and it seems to have a propensity for causing severe disease in children and adolescents."



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Professor Medical Microbiology at the Academic hospital in Maastricht claims based on examinating 16000 infected people the Delta variant results in 4 times the amount of virus particles in a patient (compared to alpha, 2x beta) opposed to the over1000x claimed by the Chinese CDC researchers.
You're right, P-brain Diaz is only here to spam ...

and I ban spammers every day. :idea:

LMFAO, guess it just depends on what you agree with or not eh?

On the real though, what's the point of a political subforum to a weed site, if you aren't even going to allow discourse from both sides, but instead simply choose to silence the side which you disagree with?
LMFAO, guess it just depends on what you agree with or not eh?

On the real though, what's the point of a political subforum to a weed site, if you aren't even going to allow discourse from both sides, but instead simply choose to silence the side which you disagree with?
Discourse from both sides is a good thing when both sides abide by the same set of rules. If you look at the latest wave of trolls, shouting fascist slogans is something we are supposed to honor as discourse.

Dis course takes us right into the reefs and shoals, Cap'n
Discourse from both sides is a good thing when both sides abide by the same set of rules. If you look at the latest wave of trolls, shouting fascist slogans is something we are supposed to honor as discourse.

Dis course takes us right into the reefs and shoals, Cap'n
I think I'm pretty civil here compared to many. I don't speak for others, I only speak for myself. I post mostly factual information, perhaps peppered with a bit of my own opinion. If @rollitup wants to flex his mighty hammer and ban me, because I have a different opinion, then it is what it it. But I'll tell you what it isn't allowing for, and that is simple discourse.
I think I'm pretty civil here compared to many. I don't speak for others, I only speak for myself. I post mostly factual information, perhaps peppered with a bit of my own opinion. If @rollitup wants to flex his mighty hammer and ban me, because I have a different opinion, then it is what it it. But I'll tell you what it isn't allowing for, and that is simple discourse.
No if you get the ban hammer it is because you are pushing bullshit dangerous anti-vaccine spam.

LMFAO, guess it just depends on what you agree with or not eh?

On the real though, what's the point of a political subforum to a weed site, if you aren't even going to allow discourse from both sides, but instead simply choose to silence the side which you disagree with?

The "Both sides" bullshit is just snow flaking by you. You are doing the 2021 version of yelling 'fire' in a crowded movie.
I think I'm pretty civil here compared to many. I don't speak for others, I only speak for myself. I post mostly factual information, perhaps peppered with a bit of my own opinion. If @rollitup wants to flex his mighty hammer and ban me, because I have a different opinion, then it is what it it. But I'll tell you what it isn't allowing for, and that is simple discourse.
You've posted fucking near the whole antivaxxer library, disinformation that has killed thousands of Americas and continues to kill and injure hundreds daily. I've posted the tragic news stories of your successes, people who die because they believe the same bullshit that you post here. Like Tucker you have an opinion and are only asking loaded questions, to sow doubt and mistrust in vaccines, in spite of a mountain of evidence that's growing daily of their safety and efficacy.

So what's your solution to the pandemic? Herd immunity through infection?

I wonder if Dr. Scott Atlas got vaccinated? He was a great believer in herd immunity, even when he knew that the vaccines were flying through clinical trials with great success.
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