First coco grow what's up with my seedlings

Frogglet Legs

Well-Known Member
Hello, these guys are 8 days from seed in Coco with 30% perlite, I've been giving them 1.5l of water around twice now with 1ml per liter of Coco ab, Cal mag and voodoo.....2 seedlings are fine but these are not looking good, i did spray plain water on them now and again to stop top layer drying out but quickly stopped that. Thank you


Frogglet Legs

Well-Known Member
I just read the ecothrive coco mix I'm using runs hot..I thought it jus had beneficial bacteria in it but it has an npk value and I pretty sure that's what's the causing the overfeeding. Thanks, I will be using smaller pots in future easier to manage I was being lazy

Frogglet Legs

Well-Known Member
It was watered jus after pics it was wet bout half inch under Coco, not sure of ec or pH I use pH perfect nutes at very low dose, it's the charge in the Coco that I think I'm having issues with. I looked it up and other have in the past. I think I should give a good run off today with low nutes and try to wash the charge out of the Coco. Why sell coco with nutes in it is spose be inert....wat a pain


Well-Known Member
I just read the ecothrive coco mix I'm using runs hot..I thought it jus had beneficial bacteria in it but it has an npk value and I pretty sure that's what's the causing the overfeeding. Thanks, I will be using smaller pots in future easier to manage I was being lazy
"Due to the slow nutrient release from the Charge in the Ecothrive Coco Lite Mix, you can start feeding with your nutrient program from day one. Start with a low EC around 1.2 and always use a coco-specific nutrient formula."

I wouldn't feed that high but apparently the company recommends feeding from day one. Next time maybe pick a better coco like Canna Coco Professional. GL


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Staff member
It was watered jus after pics it was wet bout half inch under Coco, not sure of ec or pH I use pH perfect nutes at very low dose, it's the charge in the Coco that I think I'm having issues with. I looked it up and other have in the past. I think I should give a good run off today with low nutes and try to wash the charge out of the Coco. Why sell coco with nutes in it is spose be inert....wat a pain
Coco should always look wet. If you can't do that move to soil. You have to have EC and pH test equipment to run Coco correctly. The lies the snake oil sales people tell you do not matter.

You sound like you'd do well in soil.


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It promotes proper rootball growth. Starting a plant in large container makes the taproot shoot straight down then most lateral root growth occurs.

Starting in smaller pot than up-potting allows for the whole larger pot to fill properly with roots.
LOL, I meant why does it have to be a Solo Cup? My generic nursery pint pots have done fine for the last decade or so.

Frogglet Legs

Well-Known Member
I think if I had inert Coco there would be no issues. Ive had 1 and very nearly 2 successful grows in soil I changed as I have autopots and wanted to run Coco with them as I need some time away from them..... sometimes feels like a part time job on top of my job


Well-Known Member
I think if I had inert Coco there would be no issues. Ive had 1 and very nearly 2 successful grows in soil I changed as I have autopots and wanted to run Coco with them as I need some time away from them..... sometimes feels like a part time job on top of my job
The fact that you don't measure EC or pH doesn't bode well for your success in coco. The companies producing those nutrients will say anything to get you to buy their products. It obviously worked.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I think if I had inert Coco there would be no issues. Ive had 1 and very nearly 2 successful grows in soil I changed as I have autopots and wanted to run Coco with them as I need some time away from them..... sometimes feels like a part time job on top of my job
Yeah some people naturally do better in soil and others in hydro. I tended to water everything to death so my affinity to hydro was there.
Oh I misunderstood what you meant then. It can be any smaller container obviously.
No problem at all :) It was really me I should have bolded the word. But you gave the OP some terrific information in a clear and concise manner so it was a win.


Well-Known Member
The fact that you don't measure EC or pH doesn't bode well for your success in coco. The companies producing those nutrients will say anything to get you to buy their products. It obviously worked.
I don’t measure ec. Just ph, the nutes have been pretty forgiving for me. I have the healthiest plants I’ve grown. Looks better then a lot I’ve seen also. It all depends on how well you know your nutes you are using. Plus it helps that jr Peter’s has been in the agg business for years and years too