outdoor root rot?


Well-Known Member
Look what i woke up to :(
I've never seen this before in an outdoor above ground. Must be root rot? Thinking about doing an H2O2 soil drench to try and rescue it. Anybody got any other input? She's a goner i fear. was going fine than blam-o
Do the others get more shade? Have you had a heatwave the past few days? It looks super thirsty and hungry to me. I don't know much about outdoor growing, but I hope you can save her!
Do the others get more shade? Have you had a heatwave the past few days? It looks super thirsty and hungry to me. I don't know much about outdoor growing, but I hope you can save her!
no they get about the same full sun...just over 8hrs. no serious heat that would do this no...i'd need like sustained 115degrees plus to do this. i have water dialed in on these...every other day a good watering.
I don’t see root rot being an issue u less it is able to stay wet for a long period of time with out drying out and usually outdoors doesn’t happen
exactly i dont water them enough to get this...plus the sun and the wind.....and the other plants are perfectly happy and healthy....but it does look exactly like root rot symptoms (at least from what i've seen)
View attachment 4959337View attachment 4959338View attachment 4959340
Look what i woke up to :(
I've never seen this before in an outdoor above ground. Must be root rot? Thinking about doing an H2O2 soil drench to try and rescue it. Anybody got any other input? She's a goner i fear. was going fine than blam-o
She looks thirsty to me. Are there any little gnats around the ground cover? The yellowing makes me think nute deficiency is a possible too. The other one in background looks very lush so I'm thinking your pH is ok. Sometimes with outdoor grows it's hard to control the environment..
View attachment 4959337View attachment 4959338View attachment 4959340
Look what i woke up to :(
I've never seen this before in an outdoor above ground. Must be root rot? Thinking about doing an H2O2 soil drench to try and rescue it. Anybody got any other input? She's a goner i fear. was going fine than blam-o
View attachment 4959337View attachment 4959338View attachment 4959340
Look what i woke up to :(
I've never seen this before in an outdoor above ground. Must be root rot? Thinking about doing an H2O2 soil drench to try and rescue it. Anybody got any other input? She's a goner i fear. was going fine than blam-o
do you have gophers in your area?
not in this area of my property no....i have tiny moles tho....usually i can see these tiny long trail of bumps when one is in the area....hard to miss them and i haven't really seen evidence of one in this spot.....guess id have to dig into the mound to really eliminate that possibility
She looks thirsty to me. Are there any little gnats around the ground cover? The yellowing makes me think nute deficiency is a possible too. The other one in background looks very lush so I'm thinking your pH is ok. Sometimes with outdoor grows it's hard to control the environment..
the gnats dont get a chance to harm these plants cuz of the natural predators inherent in outdoor growing, i have pet spiders and praying mantis on my leaves...there's a complete collapse of turgidity (osmotic pressure) and nute uptake....the soil has the nutes, just dont know what's stopping the plant from uptaking the water and nutes
that's not to say it couldn't be another bug infestation on the root system tho
not in this area of my property no....i have tiny moles tho....usually i can see these tiny long trail of bumps when one is in the area....hard to miss them and i haven't really seen evidence of one in this spot.....guess id have to dig into the mound to really eliminate that possibility
Get a cat or three. They'll control the little moles. My cats bring me 1-2 sometimes more DAILY!!
the gnats dont get a chance to harm these plants cuz of the natural predators inherent in outdoor growing, i have pet spiders and praying mantis on my leaves...there's a complete collapse of turgidity (osmotic pressure) and nute uptake....the soil has the nutes, just dont know what's stopping the plant from uptaking the water and nutes
that's not to say it couldn't be another bug infestation on the root system tho
One time I had a stalk knot that ended up causing all kinds of issues bc it was literally strangling my plant.
Damn, man. I hope someone gives you useful advice. For what it's worth, the other plants look lushishly fabulous!!
partly why i included the stem pic...this thing was humming along fine...i mean i do supercrop branches from time to time but haven't done that in weeks to these.
for anyone interested i have a working theory. I may not have had my watering dialed in as much as i had thought, and had a dry pocket in the soil mound. went poking around with a pitch fork and that's the best idea i have at the moment....it wasn't so dry as to cause alarm, but it's a working theory