Your instincts are no match for medical science. I was fully vaccinated as a child and the last group to get the Small Pox vaccine. Mainly because the disease was put to rest due to vaccinations. None of those vaccines killed me nor the people around me however many non vaccinated folk have died because of following their instincts instead of science. I love how people say things like wake up, they say this not realizing they survived because most around them did the right thing. Herd immunity was developed in spite of those who only think of themselves and refused to do their part. It is sad that even with a world wide pandemic that has recorded 4.31 million deaths, and those are just the recorded ones, that people still carry on like the government is trying something nefarious. I would not blindly trust any government but in this case they are right, people should get their vaccines. Fingers crossed you continue to be lucky and neither you nor your children have to die for your anti medical science stance.