outdoor root rot?

I didn't see any in vid,you may have they are small lol but imo if that was a new found foodsource that stem you broke open would be filled with them.
I didn't see any in vid,you may have they are small lol but imo if that was a new found foodsource that stem you broke open would be filled with them.
Yeah think midway thru vid you see one scurry by. I zoom in on it. Interested in what you said tho. I just dont know either way what happened in what sequence
I saw something scurry too looked big for termite and also looked dark. whatever it was was fast lol
Actually there is a clear shot of a termite soldier if you pause at 1:09 and zoom.
I still say something else killed a portion of woody stem first
Yeah Termites aren't going to eat healthy plant matter. I killed termites for a big company for a few years, but its been awhile. If I remember correctly, they are attracted to their food by a certain kind of fungus that grows on rotting wood. They are nature's clean up crew. If they ate healthy wood, we'd all be in trouble :lol:
I wouldnt use any chemicals to treat for the termites, they were just there to clean up the decaying stalk. Figure out what caused the initial wound, and treat for that.
Yeah Termites aren't going to eat healthy plant matter. I killed termites for a big company for a few years, but its been awhile. If I remember correctly, they are attracted to their food by a certain kind of fungus that grows on rotting wood. They are nature's clean up crew. If they ate healthy wood, we'd all be in trouble :lol:
I wouldnt use any chemicals to treat for the termites, they were just there to clean up the decaying stalk. Figure out what caused the initial wound, and treat for that.
i truly didn't know jack squat about termites, only bit i know now is what i just learned from you guys in this thread. Thank you so much for that. My theory (since all other neighboring plants are still healthy), is that the dirt piled too high up stalk caused rot, and the fungus got hold...termites picked up on the fungus and that brought them in. still dont know what the actual death blow to the plant was