moving seedlings under 1000w


Active Member
My babes have been under CFL's for about 2 weeks now, and the roots are getting too big for my pots. I want to transplant them into 19.5L buckets and put them under my 1000w light. I don't want to damage them with the light.
Should I keep the light far away and gradually make it closer as the days go by? Or does it even matter and I'm just worrying for the sake of worrying?
I'd like to know your opinions please :)


Active Member
if the light is too close is it going to dry up my plants or even worse burn the leaves?
is the age of the plants too young for my light and i should keep them under the CFL's for a bit longer?


Well-Known Member
You should do as you said, keep the light far away and move it gradually closer otherwise it will burn the plant bad enough to kill it dead and we don't want that.


New Member
i'd keep em under cfl's for a bit longer if they're babies m8, how bout puttin a pic up?


Active Member
Well they aren't too young, 18 days old today. I've put younger seedlings under my light before, and they didn't die or burn. I just don't want to stress out my plants. I think I'm going to wait for the weekend to be over and I'll put them under my 1000w at about four feet away. I'll probable move it closer as the weeks go by.


Well-Known Member
Next time I'd have them under the 1000 watter to begin with and that way you don't have to worry about it.

Weed Demon

Well-Known Member
I got my 1000w on a chain and at 12-14 days after its out of the ground I transplant and put under the 1000w. I start at 4' and move a couple of links down every time I water bout every 3 or 4 days.


Well-Known Member
I got my 1000w on a chain and at 12-14 days after its out of the ground I transplant and put under the 1000w. I start at 4' and move a couple of links down every time I water bout every 3 or 4 days.

If you have the light on and over them before they pop out of the soil they will adjust themselves to the light as they sprout and you don't have to worry about burning them even with the light close.


Well-Known Member
You have to bring the light close so the seedslings so there stems won't stretch out meaning they won't support there wieght so I suggest a less powerful light.

Weed Demon

Well-Known Member
If you have the light on and over them before they pop out of the soil they will adjust themselves to the light as they sprout and you don't have to worry about burning them even with the light close.

Thats true however my setup is a
nursery with flouro, 400w MH veg and 1000 HPS flower

I germinate in paper towels and move to solo cups to sprout. If I keep the solo cups under the 1000w the soil dries up overnight.

Weed Demon

Well-Known Member
You have to bring the light close so the seedslings so there stems won't stretch out meaning they won't support there wieght so I suggest a less powerful light.

The plant stretches because it is looking for light. Flouros don't produce the same intesity as MH or HPS.

Having a 1000 w 4' away from the plant is not going to hurt it or make it stretch but getting it closer to the plant when it is a little bigger will not stress it as long as it isn't suddenly.


Well-Known Member
The plant stretches because it is looking for light. Flouros don't produce the same intesity as MH or HPS.

Having a 1000 w 4' away from the plant is not going to hurt it or make it stretch but getting it closer to the plant when it is a little bigger will not stress it as long as it isn't suddenly.
yeah what he said :weed:


Well-Known Member
The plant stretches because it is looking for light. Flouros don't produce the same intesity as MH or HPS.

Having a 1000 w 4' away from the plant is not going to hurt it or make it stretch but getting it closer to the plant when it is a little bigger will not stress it as long as it isn't suddenly.

No, Definitely not what he said


Well-Known Member
No, Definitely not what he said
whoa now easy there brother from what i have read and through my little experience that seems like a very accruate quote but please explain to me your opnion for i am no pro and i would love to hear from ur experience. thanks man i am not trying to be a smart ass either please dont assume that peace love and ganja o im givin u some rep too


Active Member
keep it under cfl, if you put it under a hps 4ft away it will strech like fuck and the stem will be weak, plus you still risk scorching and shock, i dont put anything under a hps untill its at least 7-8'' tall. mine are always bright green and with vety small gaps between nodes.
at the mo i have got 17 babies at 6'' under 6x 55watt cfl and they are gaining at least 20mm every 24hrs. they have been there 3 weeks and will go under 3 x 600w hps in 3 weeks (when my other 15 have finished flower).
I have been growing for 8 years and tryed everyway possable, but still learn new things everyday!

hope i have helped u mate.


Well-Known Member
whoa now easy there brother from what i have read and through my little experience that seems like a very accruate quote but please explain to me your opnion for i am no pro and i would love to hear from ur experience. thanks man i am not trying to be a smart ass either please dont assume that peace love and ganja o im givin u some rep too

whoa there easy brother, I was just goofing around.

Weed Demon

Well-Known Member
Good thread, thing is everyone has thier own way... and that's ok. We are pot lovers and growers in our way, it is what seperates us from the cookie cutter, trendy consumer junkies out there.

My advice is already up there but try it a few ways until something clicks for you!