Trump's attempted coup and R congress people

From everywhere. I don`t like mainstream liar media. You have your opinion about fraud, but you don`t say how many thousand videos probing that were deleted from YouTube, you don`t talk about thousands of ballots dropped, or stolen. Or duplicated ballots. Or votes counted a lot of times. Or fake adresses, or dead people voting. Or people voting where they don`t live. You know what I mean? You say Jan 6 was a coup, but I didn`t hear Trump saying go take the new govt. If that was a coup, what is Black lives Matter rioting, looting, burning federal buildings, or people`s businesses? I don`t understand your bias, what do you want? Communism? Or what?
The news you get is all based on lies. That's why it's not talked about. You do believe in a fascist cult leader. Admit it. Own it.
The news you get is all based on lies. That's why it's not talked about. You do believe in a fascist cult leader. Admit it. Own it.

No, because I read from everywhere and make my own conclusions. I don`t have leaders, I don`t believe in Trump, I don`t think he is the answer, that is what YOU think. You think everybody is the same just because they don`t think like YOU do. That is your problem. Admit it, you are just a fascist.
From everywhere. I don`t like mainstream liar media. You have your opinion about fraud, but you don`t say how many thousand videos probing that were deleted from YouTube, you don`t talk about thousands of ballots dropped, or stolen. Or duplicated ballots. Or votes counted a lot of times. Or fake adresses, or dead people voting. Or people voting where they don`t live. You know what I mean? You say Jan 6 was a coup, but I didn`t hear Trump saying go take the new govt. If that was a coup, what is Black lives Matter rioting, looting, burning federal buildings, or people`s businesses? I don`t understand your bias, what do you want? Communism? Or what?
So Trump judges suppressed the evidence, guess they really were RINO's?
Well, you are the problem, not me. I think by myself and I see mainstream media and YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc banning only conservative thinking people and it is a red flag for me. That is what you would call fascism. Suppressing other people`s ideas.
You do realize the conservative voices are lying, as it is the only way they can retain power. If it were just based on truth, then elections would go to the Democrats as the cities grow more and the hinterland declines.
No, because I read from everywhere and make my own conclusions. I don`t have leaders, I don`t believe in Trump, I don`t think he is the answer, that is what YOU think. You think everybody is the same just because they don`t think like YOU do. That is your problem. Admit it, you are just a fascist.
You're a conspiracy driven fascist. You're not alone, so don't feel bad.
What I see is instead of investigating the problem, I see people biased based on political ideologies. If I am a citizen of a country, I will seek the truth, not what the mainstream media or Twitter says is the truth. DO you really trust on a TV show or a politician? Weird.
From everywhere. I don`t like mainstream liar media. You have your opinion about fraud, but you don`t say how many thousand videos probing that were deleted from YouTube, you don`t talk about thousands of ballots dropped, or stolen. Or duplicated ballots. Or votes counted a lot of times. Or fake adresses, or dead people voting. Or people voting where they don`t live. You know what I mean? You say Jan 6 was a coup, but I didn`t hear Trump saying go take the new govt. If that was a coup, what is Black lives Matter rioting, looting, burning federal buildings, or people`s businesses? I don`t understand your bias, what do you want? Communism? Or what?
You could have saved a lot of time if you just answered “Fox, Oan and newsmax.”
I mean, be real, you want communism and you hate your country. At least admit it and we are all ok. Instead, you say "conspiracy", "fascist", "cultist", tell the truth. Don`t lie to the people.
Define communism.

Ahhhh, so you want communism... Communism is the control of the mediums of production, exchanges and distribution by the state, which means a little group of people. There is only one definition of communism. Do you know what that means?