Soil mix?


Well-Known Member
my recipe right now is kinda similiar to what you posted and the flavor from this is way better than what I was getting with bagged soil

2 gallons pro mix
.7 quart worm castings
.5 quart perlite
.5 quart vermiculite
4 tablespoons “plant tone”
2 Tablespoons basalt
4 teaspoons calcium carbonate
2 teaspoons dolomite


Well-Known Member
my recipe right now is kinda similiar to what you posted and the flavor from this is way better than what I was getting with bagged soil

2 gallons pro mix
.7 quart worm castings
.5 quart perlite
.5 quart vermiculite
4 tablespoons “plant tone”
2 Tablespoons basalt
4 teaspoons calcium carbonate
2 teaspoons dolomite
So many other factors that determine taste. Nutes and soil are but a small part. LOL.


Well-Known Member
So I was trying to start a soil that I can recycle and so far I started with

Coco coir
Worm castings
Perlite (might change to rice hull)
Gaia green 4-4-4
Should I add anything else....this will be my mix for the 2 gallon trade pots for veg then for the final transplant 5 gallon pots I planned on same mix but add Gaia green 2-8-4 with some synergy

Yes this is Mr Canucks style of growing but I wanna enhance it any ideas y'all can give ?
This thread is full of bad information, but some is good though.

You're recipe is missing the main ingredient. Compost. I'd change the mix if you wanna make your own. 1/3 peat, 1/3 compost, 1/3 aeration like perlite or pumice or whatever is the basic standard. I wouldn't use vermiculite for the aeration though personally. And you want to make the mix and let it cook first really. Don't want to cook the roots which can literally happen with certain dry fertilizers.

I also wouldn't worry about transplanting from 2 to 5's. I'd just start with 5's.


Well-Known Member
All the FF nutes are chemicals except Big Bloom. I've got not problem with their organic nutes and soil. I started with FFOF and turned it into no-till since. I bought the FFOF soil 3 years ago.
It burnt out in 7-8 weeks. Been your soil since. I avoid it.


Well-Known Member
Lol well here's the thing I'm listening to all of you guys

@PadawanWarrior I'll have to have compost ship to my house which I'm fine with albut my thing is can I get away from peat...i also used the verm for help with the cal and mag increases water and nute Rention added with the perlite I just thought Itd help with arearation


Well-Known Member
Lol well here's the thing I'm listening to all of you guys

@PadawanWarrior I'll have to have compost ship to my house which I'm fine with albut my thing is can I get away from peat...i also used the verm for help with the cal and mag increases water and nute Rention added with the perlite I just thought Itd help with arearation
Tap water for cal/mag. Coco coire and perlite to lighten and aerate. Coco expaands when wet. Then shrinks as it dries. Creates air spaces in your medium if watering properly.


Well-Known Member
Lol well here's the thing I'm listening to all of you guys

@PadawanWarrior I'll have to have compost ship to my house which I'm fine with albut my thing is can I get away from peat...i also used the verm for help with the cal and mag increases water and nute Rention added with the perlite I just thought Itd help with arearation
I actually order compost even though I could get some locally. I'm actually gonna order some more Oly Mountain Fish Compost from Build a Soil soon. Just been lazy. And I have a Grow Generation store right down the road so it's not like I have to order compost.