Soil mix?


Well-Known Member
Tap water for cal/mag. Coco coire and perlite to lighten and aerate. Coco expaands when wet. Then shrinks as it dries. Creates air spaces in your medium if watering properly.
I use water too I see so many people say they're having cal mag issues I don't buy it I don't worry about I e had my a couple leaves die no problems with deficiency but I think I did have a lockout due to pH one time but fixed it pretty quick

Alter Jean

Well-Known Member
I'm not ignoring you bro for some reason I can't like any of the comments I guess it's cause my account im still new....and I'll m high and you guys are hitting me all at once...but it's fine I love learning
Haha you're all good. I'm probably just as hi as you are wondering why these guys are talking openly about their foot fetish


Well-Known Member
I actually order compost even though I could get some locally. I'm actually gonna order some more Oly Mountain Fish Compost from Build a Soil soon. Just been lazy. And I have a Grow Generation store right down the road so it's not like I have to order compost.
Now see that's something I'll put on the grocery list is that some fish compost from build a soil I like watch his video sometimes not a huge but always informative


Well-Known Member
Now see that's something I'll put on the grocery list is that some fish compost from build a soil I like watch his video sometimes not a huge but always informative
I can give you a link for $5 off your first order if you decide to order from them, just let me know.

And, it takes 48 hours and likes from 3 different people and then you'll be able to like shit. It won't take long.


Well-Known Member
I can book mark guys have me so many options I can go with
OK, here's the link incase you want to save $5 if you decide to order something. My whole basement is full of BAS shit. It's pretty ridiculous. My wife is complaining that there's no room and is trying to tell me to move some of my shit, lol.



Well-Known Member
Your guys little mind game thing is pretty funny. Chuckle status. But I think the funniest thing about this thread is that bud you posted..
And I have a fish on now. I enjoy the humor. Should have played nice.
I wasn't banned bro I changed all my emails and everything started over with a clean slate it's just easy to manage my life now then it was before
Not you. Oh boy.

Best wishes and help to you.


Well-Known Member
You don't think peat is too dense or heavy? I use it in my mixes but never more than 15-20% total. It is also pretty hot from some regions. Only curious as a dirt digger. LOL.
Im soo late to reply. Well Op might want to add some perlite in as well, I really just wanted to remark to use peat moss instead of coco. But I did use a lot of peat in my soil mix, I used around 50% pro mix which is peat + dolomite + other stuff, and everything is going ok so far.


Well-Known Member
Im soo late to reply. Well Op might want to add some perlite in as well, I really just wanted to remark to use peat moss instead of coco. But I did use a lot of peat in my soil mix, I used around 50% pro mix which is peat + dolomite + other stuff, and everything is going ok so far.
I've really put some time into this thought and I'm goin all organic living soil