Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Me too. I asked him to go. He’s very stubborn like me but his wife is very sick and I know he can’t watch here suffer. His o2 off oxygen was 87.
About an hour later he messaged me that they were going. I know they’re in better hands.
How are you doing?

Are they still together? I'm doing pretty good, my last student loan payment came out of the bank this morning. 14 years, 168 payments finally done.
I'm sorry. That looks painful, friend. :hug:
Does the pain continue to get better, or do you kind of know what you're stuck with now? :[
I’m stuck with nerve and muscle pain on top of the hardware shifting. I’ve already had on screw that was coming out removed.
I’ve got RA, PsA, palindromic arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis among other things. I need a hip and a knee replacement. Can’t get the elbow replaced because there’s nothing there for the post to grab onto.
I take drugs :D
I’m stuck with nerve and muscle pain on top of the hardware shifting. I’ve already had on screw that was coming out removed.
I’ve got RA, PsA, palindromic arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis among other things. I need a hip and a knee replacement. Can’t get the elbow replaced because there’s nothing there for the post to grab onto.
I take drugs :D
Drugs are good. That sounds like a lot of annoying all day. I hope you have something fun to occupy your time. :hug:
You able to hobble to any of your hobbies anymore?
Drugs are good. That sounds like a lot of annoying all day. I hope you have something fun to occupy your time. :hug:
You able to hobble to any of your hobbies anymore?
We went to the beach last week and I paid for it.
I’ve got three cats a rotten dog and my wife is awesome.
I am kinda trapped in the house but it’s ok for now.
When my b/p goes back to normal I can resume steroid joint injections and nerve blocks!
I’m alright with all these pain pills and muscle relaxers and klonopin and weed :D
We went to the beach last week and I paid for it.
I’ve got three cats a rotten dog and my wife is awesome.
I am kinda trapped in the house but it’s ok for now.
When my b/p goes back to normal I can resume steroid joint injections and nerve blocks!
I’m alright with all these pain pills and muscle relaxers and klonopin and weed :D
It sounds like you're managing just fine. What's so rotten about the dog? Just the wind from the back end, or is it more?
Thanks it's so nice seeing a zero balance after so long. Probably just put it in the bank, no new debt while everything is so uncertain, it wasn't a huge amount, $219 a month.

Sucks that you can't get someone to look after the store for the remainder of the week :(
That's a lot, because student debt is stupid. It must feel very good though. Even if you don't need it, to know it isn't flying from your account every month.

I am up and about. I'm all good. It only hurts when I cough, or the puppy yeets her stupid little body into me at full speed. I am stubborn :]
Me too. I asked him to go. He’s very stubborn like me but his wife is very sick and I know he can’t watch here suffer. His o2 off oxygen was 87.
About an hour later he messaged me that they were going. I know they’re in better hands.
How are you doing?
You don't like seeing less than 90 on room air but 87 is still ok if you're careful. It does make you anxious and best he's there.