How to improve for next time


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure it’s not a simple cut and dry answer, but maybe it is:
One of my plants the buds are very airy, not super dense. I’m wondering how to fix that for next time around, is it genetic factors, is my light not powerful enough, nutes?
I didn’t pull too early so I’m pretty sure that’s not the cause, but I’m only using 1 SF1000 in a 3x3 tent. Hoping to add at least 1 more before next go around.
Any thoughts or suggestions?


Well-Known Member
After a couple years of being in a lot of threads and learning a lot myself, 3 things always come to mind --

1) Watering. 95% of the time, myself included, the difference between good and a lot better is learning to water correctly. Talk about a topic with a lot to it, watering is the major key.

2) Wanting to do more, add more, make it sparkle or "force" it to be better. Especially when you have problems, instinct #1 is add something or to change 5 things and try and guess what helped. We win by knowing ahead of time what we want and doing our best to make it happen. When we fall short, soberly identify the problem and act only when you are almost sure what to do. If not, leave it, even if you think you are killing it.

3) Lighting. Proper intensity at the right stage is imo, the missing piece to so many. Again...#2 says have a plan. Do you know exactly what you want the plants to do with your lights and setup? Can you do it? If so, you are golden. If not, plan AHEAD. How much light should they get, how close, how long? If they get too much, or too little, do you know the signs? Plan. Spend your money <here> when you are CERTAIN of your plan.


Well-Known Member
What I am planning on doing is as follows and feel it would also apply to your situation:

1. Add more light. Biggest problem most newer growers have, if you are using a budget LED or have a smaller light for a bigger space, adding another or a more powerful light will make your next grow much better.

2. Watering less, amount and frequency. I overwatered my girl, lesson learned (I hope) and it was one of the biggest factors that caused me problems this grow.

3. Keeping it simple, but not neglecting her. I am going to use a very simple 1 part nutrient and focus on properly training the girls next grow. I do not want to be tempted to add anything or do anything new, just the basics. Simple nutes in good quality soil, LST, and topping, nothing fancy.

This is where I found I could improve most, hope this may also help you!


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure it’s not a simple cut and dry answer, but maybe it is:
One of my plants the buds are very airy, not super dense. I’m wondering how to fix that for next time around, is it genetic factors, is my light not powerful enough, nutes?
I didn’t pull too early so I’m pretty sure that’s not the cause, but I’m only using 1 SF1000 in a 3x3 tent. Hoping to add at least 1 more before next go around.
Any thoughts or suggestions?
You'll need 3 of the SF1000 lights to cover a 3x3 area. That's the biggest issue. Light and genetics.


Well-Known Member
Not ready, too hot and not enough light.
Very good chance it was too hot for portions of my grow. Lesson learned about a summer grow when I have no air conditioning in the area.
Not saying it wasn’t pulled early, but I did my best to try and see that didn’t happen. Into week 12 before I pulled and I only pulled after getting opinion from the forum here if she was ready. Going to try for a fall grow so hopefully temps are easier to manage and will leave em even longer if I have to