Over Watering Problems Fox Farm Soil


Well-Known Member
Fox farm soil is a living soil. You want to keep microbial life thriving in it for the soil to do its job. Letting it dry out kills the microbes. You can reintroduce them with ewc/compost, compost teas, growers recharge, etc. Ime an overwatered plant usually gets purple stems. Your stems are pretty green from what I've looked at. If you wanna keep an organic living soil going, water 5% water to soil volume. Watering to runoff washes out microbes and nutes. If you want to go the bottled nutes route, then water to 20% runoff. Be consistent in your waterings.


Well-Known Member
Advice on bottom watering ? Never seen or attempted it
Screw that advice. Just start using something like yucca to make the soil less hydrophobic. But sure let it all soak in. So I'd water till I barely see runoff and let it let the pot soak up the runoff water. if it drinks it fast give it more. Then suck off the runoff with a ShopVac or something when it won't absorb anymore.

Also water it really slowly. The slower the better for hydrophobic soil.


Well-Known Member
Screw that advice. Just start using something like yucca to make the soil less hydrophobic. But sure let it all soak in. So I'd water till I barely see runoff and let it let the pot soak up the runoff water. if it drinks it fast give it more. Then suck off the runoff with a ShopVac or something when it won't absorb anymore.

Also water it really slowly. The slower the better for hydrophobic soil.
What he said! Lol


Well-Known Member
Advice on bottom watering ? Never seen or attempted it
Any advice on how to do this I’ve never seen it done or attempted it
I placed a saucer under the pot and watered until there was a little run off. After a few hours, the soil should soak it up. I used a wetting agent too -Coco Wet - but a drop of dish soap or some aloe will work to just as well to help break the surface tension.

IMO, if you plan on using bottled nutrients, a substrate like ProMix would be better suited.

FFOF is a heavily amended living soil and shouldnt need nutrients for at least 4-6 weeks. But, you need to do as advised above and not water to run off. You want to just keep it lightly moist. Mastering the various watering techniques takes a lot of practice, which is why I advise a simple peat based mix like ProMix. Its more forgiving.