Help i messed up


Well-Known Member
This has nothing in common with trimming leaves. All you can do is not to burn the rest. At least you have learnt that plant is not growing leaves in flower. I am sorry for your lost.


Well-Known Member
Get yourself some bio buzz pH up and down and a pH pen Then you can feel like your in control but really as long as fuck up the plants are in control


New Member
Should I uproot them and try to clone? Should I still feed the rooting system? Should I trim it way down and try to regrow? I'm so sad, yes most definitely a huge fuck up ‍♀


Well-Known Member
Should I uproot them and try to clone? Should I still feed the rooting system? Should I trim it way down and try to regrow? I'm so sad, yes most definitely a huge fuck up ‍♀
Don't do anything except let them grow and finish. Yes continue feeding. Don't trim anything.


Well-Known Member
Should I uproot them and try to clone? Should I still feed the rooting system? Should I trim it way down and try to regrow? I'm so sad, yes most definitely a huge fuck up ‍♀
They won't regrow the leaves. Just leave it and ride out the rest of the grow or bin the fucked up plants either way your new and learning


Well-Known Member
Going to be needing some thoughts and prayers on this one gents.

They are burned up and not looking healthy. Not much to do at this point. Let them finish...start over...learn from your mistakes and hopefully next grow you get the good meds.

Def need to feed much much much much less.

Are they autos? You got some new plants starting up? Start asking questions about how to prevent this with the new ones.


Well-Known Member
They’re cooked, I’d start over and do a lot of research about feeding. I think you cooked them with nutes. Maybe try something a little easier until you get some experience under your belt, like maybe maxigro and maxiBloom.