The White privilege to terrorize

White people are a worldwide minority. That's just a fact. Anti whites know it and openly celebrate and gloat.
There's your "race baiting"...
So? They are a tribe from Europe that developed a trait of having less melanin, why should that be a surprise when compared to the entirety of the rest of humanity?
Whites are 10% of the world population and the ONLY race being told that our race must be forcefully destroyed in a sea of "diversity" in ALL of our countries & that we are EVIL if we object to it

The idea that non-Whites are "minorities" being "oppressed" by whites is quite possibly the most disgusting slanderous lie ever told in human history.
I thought the election was the biggest lie? So many lies, it’s getting hard to put a scale on those lefty lies. Yup bigger guns I say!
So? They are a tribe from Europe that developed a trait of having less melanin, why should that be a surprise when compared to the entirety of the rest of humanity?

To people that refer to non-Whites as MINORITIES - it DOES come as a surprise that whites are actually THE MINORITY
So? They are a tribe from Europe that developed a trait of having less melanin, why should that be a surprise when compared to the entirety of the rest of humanity?
The context of the thread says that white people oppress and "terrorize" all the "minorities"...I pointed out correctly that white people are a minority worldwide...the thread title is incorrect, then, right?
To people that refer to non-Whites as MINORITIES - it DOES come as a surprise that whites are actually THE MINORITY
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The context of the thread says that white people oppress and "terrorize" all the "minorities"...I pointed out correctly that white people are a minority worldwide...the thread title is incorrect, then, right?
Did I say that you were incorrect in pointing out that melanin lite people are fewer than every other human on the planet combined?

I just laugh because it is a stupid as shit thing to worry about in the context of the other sock puppet's 'genocide' snowflake.
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Did I say that you were incorrect in pointing out that melanin lite people are fewer than every other human on the planet combined?

I just laugh because it is a stupid as shit thing to worry about in the context of the other sock puppet's 'genocide' snowflake.
ohhh...I see, weren't trying to make any relevant were creating a way to insult people..You're so clever!
The context of the thread says that white people oppress and "terrorize" all the "minorities"...I pointed out correctly that white people are a minority worldwide...the thread title is incorrect, then, right?

Let me put myself in the shoes of a black person in America so I can see their perspective.

Imagine as a white person - I decided to voluntarily live among the khoisan tribe in South Africa. Now imagine I wasnt doing as well as them at hunting the antelope, or that when i spread the blood of the rival chiefs leader on my face, i did it wrong. The only LOGICAL conclusion as to why this would be the case is that the system was built upon Black Supremacy, and that this black supremacist system created obstacles for me as a white person. I mean everywhere I would look, i would see Khoisan chiefs that were only BLACK, all of the huts selling trinkets were owned by BLACKS, the witch doctors are all BLACK. So i would DEMAND that they change for me, and soon there would be white khoisan chiefs, white business owners and white witch doctors, and if i STILL Wasnt as good at killing antelope its obvious that the black supremacist system hasnt been destroyed because of the EVIL RAYSIST KHOISAN PEOPLE. This would ANNOY ME deeply, to the point I might consider going back to live with white people.. but i wouldnt do that, because if i did then raysism would win.

So after putting myself in the shoes of black americans, I have come to realize - THEY ARE THE LAST PEOPLE THAT SHOULD EVER BE DISCUSSING RACE
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ohhh...I see, weren't trying to make any relevant were creating a way to insult people..You're so clever!
Im not trying to insult you, I was trying to figure out if it was worth trying to talk to a hours old sock puppet account. Unfortunately you can't even try to be real and are just insulting yourself by exposing yourself as a fake.
Im not trying to insult you, I was trying to figure out if it was worth trying to talk to a hours old sock puppet account. Unfortunately you can't even try to be real and are just insulting yourself by exposing yourself as a fake. often resort to insults when you're confused or intellectually challenged? often resort to insults when you're confused or intellectually challenged?
So sock puppet is a insult to you?

Oh look!...a cute little precious! What grade are YOU in?
You think "sock puppet" and "fake" are polite terms?
How easy would it be to just not be a cute little sock puppet snowflake and be real?

But I get it, it is like Disney where you can never break character.
How easy would it be to just not be a cute little sock puppet snowflake and be real?

But I get it, it is like Disney where you can never break character. you retreat and fall back to your standard position of calling people names....Seriously..What grade are you in?