SlikWiLL13's Kinda-Ghetto-But-Damn-It-Works Grow


Well-Known Member
NYC Diesel bagseed @ 2 1/2 wks lookin nice with 2 NL day 1 veg
better shot of the NYC D
newest addition to my flower room day 2 flower
top view day 2
Wk 7
same girl Wk 7

sorry about the weak camera phone pics



Well-Known Member
so i moved my big veg girl to the flower room as soon as i was confident my clones would make it. this one is how big i want to flower all of them, the one i have at 7 wks got WAY to tall because once again i was waiting for clones to root. now i have a bunch of buds im gonna hate to trim. live and learn i guess - take clones early. the first four days of 12/12 i feed only phed water with 1/2ml bushmaster per gallon. this eliminates internodal stretch and usually knocks a week or so of flowering. its an expensive product but seriously, a bottle will last you forever @ 1/2 a ml a gallon. i usually use about 2 gallons per treatment.

the gravity ive been testing is definetly something i want to try again. ive never had buds this dense! i just used too much this time. again, live and learn...


Well-Known Member
hey check it out. since your girl has not been flowering for no more than a week or two, those bottom branches that you are going to trim, you can clone those. thats what i do when i put a plant out to flower and the vegetative growth was just too much. i look at it like this after about two weeks of flowering its real hard to get them to go back to their vegetative state, but it hasn't been that long right? so if they die, it really doesn't make a difference because you were going to trash them anyway, but if they take then then you potentially have some more mother plants to clone off of, or at the least you could just let them veg and flower them, and when you put those babies out to flower, you can cut off those bottom branches and do it all over again. me personally i would let about two or three of the best ones be my mothers and put the rest out to flower. reason being is that those are some pretty hefty strains and i would try to keep them going as long as possible. but if you are going to try it go ahead and do it now, because it looks like your centers are already starting to get lighter than the other leaves, and i'm not sure but i think that is an idication that some serious pistils are about to start forming. so holla back and let me know what you think. but other than that, does your shit look good ?........FUCK YEA!



Well-Known Member
many thanks zen master, always nice to have a visit from you. if i wasnt so set about keeping my plants at 5 or less i would definetly be using my cutoff for clone material. i get so sad when i throw it away, but if i get popped with 5 plants its a misdemeanor where i live. yeah, that lightening your seeing is indeed what they look like befor they burst. its the bushmaster that makes them pop so fast. i highly recomend this product to anyone. its really easy to burn you shit with it, but once you get it dialed in its fuckin magic.


Well-Known Member
so i thinned out my lower branches yesterday on the girl i just put in flower 2 days ago. all i cut off was the growing tops in the bottom 1/3 of the canopy, i left any fan leaves to continue on as solar panels.

i also modified my single site drip system to accomodate my 3 veg girls(im excited now that my quota is full!). it originally was a peristaltic pump plumbed to a homemade drip ring. i 86'd the drip ring and made a drip rail out of 3/8" cpvc and ran it along the top of my 3 RW blocks. i took a cheapo 1'x2' plastic propagation tray and put a drain in it and put it on a slight pitch so it would drain. the tray is set on one of thoses shelving systems with the vertical rails with slots up and down them to put arms in that hold a 1x10, you know the adjustable kind. the rail is really simple - tis just a piece of hard tubing about 18" long, capped at one end, with 3 holes drilled in it where i want to water, and the tubing from the pump at the other end. i think it took maybe 40 minutes, zero dollars, and one packed bowl to accomplish this...i win!! pics later today...

i think i might do a seperate thread for my gravity test this next round. ive read a few threads on hummbolt co. products but its always just talk, hearsay, and speculation. what do you guys(all 3 of you who read this!) think, should i do it here or in another thread where it might be more useful to others? maybe document the use of both humbolt products i use?


Well-Known Member
gravity is a flower hardener from Humbolt County's Own made by Emerald Triangle in Cali. its part of a trio of products - Bushmaster, Purple Maxx, and Gravity. theres alot of controversy over these products because if you use them as directed your almost gauranteed to burn your shit up. most folks see/hear this and are done with it, but if you get the formula dialed in they fucking rock! BM eliminates internodal stretch the first 2 wks of flower. PM is sopposed to boost trichome development and sometimes makes your purple strains really color up. Gravity is a flower hardener, it makes your buds thick and dense.

ive been using Bushmaster for almost a year now and i love it. ive tested the gravity once and burned my shit kinda good so next time ill half the doseage. aside from the burn my buds are twice as dense as theyve ever been.


Well-Known Member
okay, when i was taking pics of the updated drip system i decided to rig up 2 - 26Wcfl's i bought on a whim a week or two ago. so i took a 9' extention cord i had laying around, cut it up, wired in two sockets, and taped the sockets to the same kind of adjustable brackets i use to hold up my ebb & flow tray.

heres a full view of the new drip rig

closeup of the drip rail i made...its hood i know, but it work good!

heres the 2 - 26Wcfl's i threw in too


Well-Known Member
Sup will! I got some of that gravity shit with the T5 light that we bought.. Haven't used it yet was kinda gonna do a lil test with it i guess. We were gonna not use it on these first ones.. then use it on the next to harvest. Just to see if the stuff really works.. But like you said i've been reading up on it, and people have said that there buds are coming out denser. So we'll see what happens.

BTW looking good man!

~Buddy J~


Well-Known Member
seriously go easy on the stuff, and do it with NO NUTES. i think it says something ridiculous like 5ml a gallon, i used 2ml a gallon for 5 days with 1/2 strength nutes and fried my shit quite a bit. it took a solid week of flush to stop the damage. but you could knock on my buds like the front door! next time i think ill go with 1ml a gallon in straight ph'ed water for 3 days and see how it works.

but the bushmaster is something you need to look into as well. virtually stops all vertical growth after you use it. but its deadly stuff if you overdo it too, bottle says "the optimal dose will vary between strains but usually falls between 4 and 20ml per gallon...". i use 1/2ml per gallon straight ph'ed water and i run it for 4 days. shit lasts forever, my hydro-guy gave me half a sample bottle like 8 months ago. ive used it on two different big 30 gal. rez's elswhere and prolly made a dozen or so gallons here with my rig and its still a third full. the line is how much was there when i got it.



Well-Known Member
okay, im gonna try to document my method for training my plants as best i can. BuddyJesus and Myself are gonna compare our methods. i top it for the first time after 1wk of veg. i dont use scissors or a blade, i just pinch off the top bit of growth(a piece about half the size of a kernel of corn).

this is the plant im gonna use for all my pics documenting my method.

heres where i pinch the top.



Well-Known Member
hehe, i just noticed my work area is messy as hell in those last pics. im not usually that messy, everything has a place.

i think pics of the training twice a week should be sufficient. you?


Well-Known Member
hehe, i just noticed my work area is messy as hell in those last pics. im not usually that messy, everything has a place.

i think pics of the training twice a week should be sufficient. you?

yea i think that should be cool... i tried takin some clones off the ladies in flower, but i've never ever tried to take clones so i have no clue if we did it right. i'll have pics of that posted in a lil bit.


Well-Known Member
i had loads of trouble with my clones until recently. look up Al B. Fuct's cloning method i had the best luck trying to duplicate his method. i think proper rockwool prep is very important. let me know how it goes as i just went through all this and hopefully can save you some of the headaches i endured.


Well-Known Member
i started the flush on my big flower girl, shes about halfway through wk 7. im gonna flush with molasses this time, i heard its good shit.

everything else is going smoothly. im almost done with the Bushmaster treatment on my new flower girl. i topped all my little veg girlies 2 days ago.

on a sader note, since ive automated all my feeding i find myself sitting in my room just looking at my girls with little work to be done. the most relaxing part of my day is when i pop on the headphones and work in my garden. i guess well just have to sit and talk instead of hand watering.


Well-Known Member
i had loads of trouble with my clones until recently. look up Al B. Fuct's cloning method i had the best luck trying to duplicate his method. i think proper rockwool prep is very important. let me know how it goes as i just went through all this and hopefully can save you some of the headaches i endured.

well first off i think that my cuttings aren't going to make it. I tried to take clones from the the 4 plants that are already budin.. didn't work out so well. didn't have a dome at the time of cuttings.. and put ziploc bags over them.. the fans inside the room blew the bags off and well you can guess the rest. i feel like i understand the whole process, but just don't seem to know where exactly to take the cuttings. if you have a mother plant in veg could you somehow circle where you would take your cuttin from the plant, i think that would clear things up a lot. I even checked out that method that you suggested, but it just showed the cut section not where he took the cut from.. Like i've said before this is the first time i've ever attempted this.

Thanks man!!
~Buddy J~


Well-Known Member
here what ill do, i have a plant i put into flower about 4 days ago. ill show you where i would have taken cuts 4 days ago. it'll still be a good reference point. unfortunatly, i dont plan on taking any clones for awhile. as you know i keep my plants @ 5 or less and my plan is to take my next availible spot and im gonna germ one of my Durban Poison seeds to fill it.


Well-Known Member
here what ill do, i have a plant i put into flower about 4 days ago. ill show you where i would have taken cuts 4 days ago. it'll still be a good reference point. unfortunatly, i dont plan on taking any clones for awhile. as you know i keep my plants @ 5 or less and my plan is to take my next availible spot and im gonna germ one of my Durban Poison seeds to fill it.

sweet man that would be really helpful!!