Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
OMG, I am a HUGE kid about Christmas, back in the day when me and hubby were all into the pagan thing we had HUGE throwdowns on Halloween (Samhain) and Christmas (Yule). Last year he said he missed the pagan Yule, so we are having an ol' throwdown this year. We celebrate for 12 days and everything. Takes me all year to try and lose the weight, I can tell you!
I wanted our littlest to take her horse in the parade this year, but since we ain't gotta a horse trailer and the chic I used to borrow her horse trailer moved we ain't gotta way to get the horse there, too long to ride all the way from the house... Oh well, maybe next year.
Christmas...... :evil: Family.... dead.... friends... moved to Ontario.......
Me and the cat..... Bah... humbug...:evil:

I guess you used some muscles that have not been used ....
You should have got a Mexican to do the Hard work..$60 a day + lunch ..
Or a nice 6' pinch bar Aleve will make ya feel better
Like the 1st time you go riding (horse) in the year.. pull hair muscles..
Morning everyone.bongsmilie
Morning Sunny and all you girls/guys.....:weed:

BRRRRR good morning Brrr from the frozen North
-8 here this morning.....:cry:

I'm glad my kids are grown, I'll be inside nice and warm instead of freezing my azz off at the Santa parade. I think ours is the weekend after thanksgiving. Got your turkey bought? Mine is a 20 pounder gobble gobble gobble :twisted:

I could use a 120lb gobbler about now....:hump::hump::hump:
I feel like Im around a bunch of pricks ..
Looking around at all these sig's
So that weather is really cold outside ,,,,
Holy crap... more cocks than you can shake a stretched asshole at...


Well-Known Member
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh , saved by Twist ..

Here he comes to save the day
You'll feel safe Knowing Twistyman Is on the way ..

Twisty You can come here for X mas We can Crack a sealed Oz jar of Hijack together ..


Well-Known Member
Twisty I will come to Canada for Christmas to be merry with you!
Say the word and me and Oz and Sharon and Gertie and Dinky and Speedie and Trixie and Muffin and Fred and Scoobie and Wilma will all be there.....You don't mind furry guests? (Hope not)


Well-Known Member
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh , saved by Twist ..

Here he comes to save the day
You'll feel safe Knowing Twistyman Is on the way ..

Twisty You can come here for X mas We can Crack a sealed Oz jar of Hijack together ..
If I have to keep looking at this wiener fest..I'll move into a cave over the next few weeks.. I went to see my hockey winnings and come back to 5 pages of tube steaks...... take me now lord...... :o:o


Well-Known Member
If I have to keep looking at this wiener fest..I'll move into a cave over the next few weeks.. I went to see my hocket winnings and come back to 5 pages of tube steaks...... take me now lord...... :o:o

I'll move into the cave with you .. But can it be like in a warm weather climate ?


Well-Known Member
Twisty I will come to Canada for Christmas to be merry with you!
Say the word and me and Oz and Sharon and Gertie and Dinky and Speedie and Trixie and Muffin and Fred and Scoobie and Wilma will all be there.....You don't mind furry guests? (Hope not)
It would be great to have whack o cash (stupid loto ticket..)... rent a plane... stop pick you all up and spend Christmas in Jamaica... Thats what I'd do if rich..... that would be awesome.....:joint::weed:


Well-Known Member
It would be great to have whack o cash (stupid loto ticket..)... rent a plane... stop pick you all up and spend Christmas in Jamaica... Thats what I'd do if rich..... that would be awesome.....:joint::weed:
Oh hell yeah! I would do that!!!! You guys have become a part of my family and I love you all very much!! I would pick up all of you and we would have a blast!


Well-Known Member
I cant go if school is in session ,, If I went to an Island id wanna get married there on the beach at sunset .. ..Thats my plan ,,
OK kiddies... can you spell Jamaica... I knew you could.... field trip.......
pack a lunch..... and a lot of munchies......:weed::weed::weed:

That you be a great place to tie the not.........


Well-Known Member
Its on my "'places to go "" list
If you do our guitarist is a travel broker that deals mostly for Jamaica... He gets points for bookings, thats how I went.. $200. (1992). everything.. flight & hotel.. So He builds up points and then sell the package at a cheap price.. He deals mostly with US clients.. when our $ is low he sells a lot to american people.. if you're ever looking at prices I'll give you his email and tell him your a reefer rat friend....... He books at mostly US airports.....