Water Cure Dry Bud


Well-Known Member
You do not get mold from water curing, mold can't grow under water.

I'm curious as to why you want to water cure already dried bud, value.


Well-Known Member
im not sure of that. i did just water cure some bagseed and i think i needed one more day. but its potent as fuck!!


Well-Known Member
out of curiosity :blsmoke:
:lol: LMAO! Ok! So, do you know how it's done, then? I assume you've read the thread and are ready to rock & roll. I didn't punch holes in the lids of my jars, I want to be able to re-use them.

If it's done well and you don't over-dry the buds afterwards, it smokes fine. Even if you do over-dry, you can easily rehydrate with a damp paper towel. I do have one girl who's a bit crackly when I light her up, she doesn't smell and I miss that. But, for many, that's the appeal.


You do not get mold from water curing, mold can't grow under water.

I'm curious as to why you want to water cure already dried bud, value.
Im Doing a water cure on some dank buds I got. The problem is when I smoke this stuff I just want lay down and fall asleep. I'm hoping the water cure might provide a more active high feeling. I know that generally indica is a stoned feeling and sativa is a uplifting high. However I have never had some shit that put me to sleep like this. So im thinking this might help to a degree. Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Water curing buds can make crap more potent IMO, but you say it knocks you out then its only going to get better at doing that. Plus you will lose more weight on the bud but if its personal then I have tried water cured vs cured and the water taste was very strong but was about half the size of the normally cured bud.


Well-Known Member
To the last two posters.

You are both completely wrong, the high from bud is purely from the thc. thc is not water soluable and thus water curing has no effect on it at all.

The ONLY reason you should water cure is to smoke weed in public places without it smelling or if you do not like the taste of the bud.

Apart from the 2 reasons posted above bud should never ever ever be dunked in water lol.


Well-Known Member
My method:

Put them in water change the water every 12 hours the first day or so (the water will be dark in color and smell bad - I change it often until the color and smell fade - you will know it when you see it). The first 2 days are usually when you see all of the action. You will see the chloryphyl leach out almost immediately.

Then wait for ALL of the buds to sink to the bottom of the container.

I usually use as much water as possible (big 5gal containers for even a small amount) and the buds usually sink to the bottom on day 4. Let them dry overnight on a screen (I find the buds get bone dry really fast - I have a wood cabinet that sucks the moisture out). Drop them in a jar or tupperware with a damp (get the piece wet and then squeeze the moisture out) 1"x1" piece of paper towel for a day (you can stick it to the side of the jar).

The first time was the only time I did 7 days in water. In 5-6 days you have watercured bud that has been brought up to the right moisture content. The big question is - will you like it?

I watercure 1. shitty buds that are so harsh that they are unsmokeable. 2. The main reason: When I want to be able to smoke in public. I put just a few pieces of tobbacco when I roll my WC joints so that it has that "cigarettetty" smell to strangers.


Well-Known Member
DPjones IMO is what I think. otherwise I would of said its makes it more potent and just left it at that. Its personal prefrence on what type of curing you do. But when it comes to some really good stuff I would never let it touch water. But when it comes harsh tasting, ( Like I had to rush the crop, with no flush ) I would water cure it to make taste better and got me higher then it did before. This could be becasue the overwhelming taste was ruining my high. But I don't plan on water curing any of my grows. tnrtinr meathod is the way I do it plus all the grow book say the same thing.

I don't smoke in public, the closes to public I get smoking is my car or porch. But just incase I ever feel the need, I will water cure to get rid of that danky MJ smell.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
To the last two posters.

You are both completely wrong, the high from bud is purely from the thc. thc is not water soluable and thus water curing has no effect on it at all.

The ONLY reason you should water cure is to smoke weed in public places without it smelling or if you do not like the taste of the bud.

Apart from the 2 reasons posted above bud should never ever ever be dunked in water lol.

You, my friend, are not entirely correct.
You're 100% correct, THC is not water-soluble.. other things in bud are. If you remove weight but keep the THC the same, you increase the THC/vol.. hence making your weed stronger. It follows the same idea as Molarity with a solution.


Well-Known Member
You, my friend, are not entirely correct.
You're 100% correct, THC is not water-soluble.. other things in bud are. If you remove weight but keep the THC the same, you increase the THC/vol.. hence making your weed stronger. It follows the same idea as Molarity with a solution.
That is a very good point one which i did not think of.

But if you go by thc/mass then it works out. After all you would probably use less bud if there was a higher thc to volume ratio.


Well-Known Member
what about if my bud i just harvested is full of bugs
i was told this the only way to get the fuckers off is this true


Active Member
what about if my bud i just harvested is full of bugs
i was told this the only way to get the fuckers off is this true

could be!!

I had a crapy outcome of my first grow, so im trying this water curing thing for the first time with about an 1/8 of buds... will post how it went in about a week


Well-Known Member
you get higher cuz your packing more thc into a bowl. lighter weed = more compact bowl = more thc enters at once

just realized this is an old ass thread. oh well we need some water curing material renewed anyway/.


I dont mean to dig this old shit up again, but cant help when it pops up as the 1st google result. had to add this:


1. Use tap hot water so long as it does not burn your hands

2. Change water every 3-6 hours depending on your rush (or when water becomes room temp) this will result in more useless crap extracted out in a shorter amount of time (warm water color changes instantly the first few times and the odor can become unbearable depending on nastiness of your weed)

3. After about 24-36 hours of repeating the above, some of your buds will settle on the bottom. at this point most of the contamination/smell/taste is out based on my experience. Use a small fan (less than $10 @ walmart) and a suspended and fully covered screeny product like a tea screen or any other similar products to air out the buds

NOTE: THC aint water soluble just like many other cannabinoids, BUT IT CAN BE PHYSICALLY SEPARATED AND settle in the water... at which point it is very hard to be recovered. so be very gentle when it comes to the physical state of buds and your handling of the process, you can lose A LOT of crystals if not careful (visible white thingies on the bottom or floating arnd your water container)


I have done this comparison quite a few times and in all occasions the results have been the same:
One bowl-hit on any contaminated or badly cured bud >>> u get dark surface
One bowl-hit on the same bud water cured, immediate & noticeable white ash on top. not after multiple hits, 1 hit.

I pulled this move, changing my water every 1-2 hours over a 12-16 hour span and by my last water change i did not get much color or odor in the water for the last hour of soaking. I even went as far as trying to break up the compressed pieces midway to make sure all the insides get exposure too and lose the junk as much as possible... compared to the crap that it was at first, this turned to smokeable bud, something I could toke with my friends... the initial nasty state would only earn me a bad reputation otherwise ;)