The White privilege to terrorize

refusing to answer the question tells me all I need to know. Good bye

you "i wanna talk about race"
me "okay! whites are being subjected to global genocide"
you "i change my mind i wanna talk about race in America instead"
me "okay whites are being subjected to genocide there too"
you "OKAY I dont wanna talk no mo"

I didnt REFUSE to answer your question - you couldnt deal with the topic - you wanted to change the topic and MOVE THE RIM TO 12 FEET - I accepted and dunked on you AGAIN - so you gotta take your ball and go home i guess

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Stop being a sensitive whiny bitch and go out in the world and get ain’t fair for anyone. Forge your own path.

This country IS going to hell, everyone is brainwashed - confused about gender, their race, their family, no knowledge of history, they are totally brainwashed anti-racists that have never hatched an original opinion in their life but will PRETEND they have some kind of esoteric understanding of the world that they cant seem to explain to anybody else. They are TOTAL pussies that back down to debate - they fear opinions different from those they heard on MTV - they cant COPE with anything different

OMG OMG you mean that when the media encouraged 10s of thousands of brainwashed "anti-racists" to riot and loot dozens of major cities over a black guy resisting arrest & overdosing from fentanyl in police custody - it resulted in MORE arrests than the dozen rioters at the CAPITOL?

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OMG OMG you mean that when the media encouraged 10s of thousands of brainwashed "anti-racists" to riot and loot dozens of major cities over a black guy resisting arrest & overdosing from fentanyl in police custody - it resulted in MORE arrests than the dozen rioters at the CAPITOL?

they ruled that a murder actually

too bad they didnt put chris langan on the jury.
hell, even chris langan knows the difference between a guilty verdict and a mistrial. and chris langan is dumber than rabbitdildo69.

you do understand that they dont rule a trial a MISTRIAL unless its been ruled on previously - thats the point of calling it a MISTRIAL
As far as the FLOYD case - what are the ODDS that out of the hundreds of thousands of times that particular police tactic of kneeling has been used, only ONE person died from it - and it happened to be captured on video - and the guy happened to have enough fentanyl in his system to OD?

Like what would VEGAS put on the odds for that one?

I do this for EVERY liberal POV - i listen then i say "What are the ODDS that their silly nonsense is TRUE?" The odds are virtually never in your favor
chauvin should die in prison.....he's guilty of murder.

so what are the ODDS that out of the hundreds of thousands of times that exact tactic was used by police, only one person died from it, and it was captured on video, and the guy was high AF on fentanyl?

What are the ODDS that you are correct?
As far as the FLOYD case - what are the ODDS that out of the hundreds of thousands of times that particular police tactic of kneeling has been used, only ONE person died from it - and it happened to be captured on video - and the guy happened to have enough fentanyl in his system to OD?

Like what would VEGAS put on the odds for that one?

I do this for EVERY liberal POV - i listen then i say "What are the ODDS that their silly nonsense is TRUE?" The odds are virtually never in your favor
what are the odds of an appeal declaring it a mistrial and when will it happen?

feel free to consult chris langan if need be.
so what are the ODDS that out of the hundreds of thousands of times that exact tactic was used by police, only one person died from it, and it was captured on video, and the guy was high AF on fentanyl?

What are the ODDS that you are correct?
what are the odds that the bull has already inseminated your wife while you post your VERY STRONG proof of WHITE GENOCIDE from the guest bedroom