California Gubernatorial Recall Election


Well-Known Member
I don’t think you should force adults one way or another to do what they don’t want. I wear a mask and I’m very careful. A lot of people aren’t. But I don’t need the government to hold my hand and regulate me
Let's not be Rob Roy narcissists constantly trying to project our awesomeness. It's not possible to legislate for individuals and there are more people out there than just you and they're idiots, so unfortunately, "we" actually do need people to hold our hand. Every law we have represents a failure to act decently as a group. The more laws a society has, the worse they are.


Well-Known Member
You seem to be in the dark. Fox New (OAN, Breitbart, etc.) makes its viewers less informed. So, allow me to shine some light on the subject:

View attachment 4978716

I have plenty of gripes about how some people in California are making bank while paying less than cost of living wages. Compared to the holy heartland and holy roller south, California's citizens are very hard working and productive. Also not an oil economy like Texas.

Then why are our taxes so high? Remember all those billions newsom was throwing around buying votes? It went to handouts


Well-Known Member
When people compare sides of who is more American Left or Right I always ask “ Which side burns our flag? Which side has spat on our returning soldiers? Which side respects ALL of our constitution? Which side puts foreign invaders that illegally enter before their own countrymen without thinking about anything but future votes? Which side supports communism?”
Trump lost in 2020 and the CA Retrumplican recall election will fail in 2021. In free and fair elections.

Your life will get better when you turn off Fox News.


Well-Known Member
You are obviously getting your “news” from the disinformation network that panders to the MAGA contingent. If you look at more neutral providers, you will read abundantly about just how amazingly bad the governors, and indeed the radicalized Republican bloc, are.

I haven’t seen any decent news on anyone lately. Both sides are awful atm. I can’t say anyone has done anything lately which I like. My point is not I like this over that it’s which side is not in my pocket or making my life more difficult. Which side doesn’t steal my money from me and give to others or regulates everything I say or do. Government works best when it’s so smooth you do t even realize it’s there and neither side is doing that now. But Newsom is a POS and if you researched some of the shit he pulled you would vote for anyone but him on either side


Well-Known Member
I haven’t seen any decent news on anyone lately. Both sides are awful atm. I can’t say anyone has done anything lately which I like. My point is not I like this over that it’s which side is not in my pocket or making my life more difficult. Which side doesn’t steal my money from me and give to others or regulates everything I say or do. Government works best when it’s so smooth you do t even realize it’s there and neither side is doing that now. But Newsom is a POS and if you researched some of the shit he pulled you would vote for anyone but him on either side
You implied earlier that there is an active pro-Communist political presence in the USA. Please specify, with link to your supporting data.


Well-Known Member
I haven’t seen any decent news on anyone lately. Both sides are awful atm. I can’t say anyone has done anything lately which I like. My point is not I like this over that it’s which side is not in my pocket or making my life more difficult. Which side doesn’t steal my money from me and give to others or regulates everything I say or do. Government works best when it’s so smooth you do t even realize it’s there and neither side is doing that now. But Newsom is a POS and if you researched some of the shit he pulled you would vote for anyone but him on either side
Did you wake from a 6-year coma? That old "both sides bad" was maybe effective in 2015. But not now.

Jerry Brown. The governor that saved California from Republicans. California should honor him with a statue.


Well-Known Member
I haven’t seen any decent news on anyone lately. Both sides are awful atm. I can’t say anyone has done anything lately which I like. My point is not I like this over that it’s which side is not in my pocket or making my life more difficult. Which side doesn’t steal my money from me and give to others or regulates everything I say or do. Government works best when it’s so smooth you do t even realize it’s there and neither side is doing that now. But Newsom is a POS and if you researched some of the shit he pulled you would vote for anyone but him on either side
You made the claim. It is your duty to reveal your research. Telling us to do the research is trolling.


Well-Known Member
Did you wake from a 6-year coma? That old "both sides bad" was maybe effective in 2015. But not now.

Jerry Brown. The governor that saved California from Republicans. California should honor him with a statue.

Yeah like that trillion dollar train to nowhere that still isn’t done? I’ll admit he wasn’t anywhere as bad as Newsom and several times his decisions were fail in refusing to sign ridiculous bills. That’s why I don’t remember anyone trying to recall him like the sack of shit we have in now.


Well-Known Member
Jerry Brown and his water tunnels can eat a dick, but people are way more externally narcissistic today than they were yesterday and recalls are going to become more "normal".


Well-Known Member
You made the claim. It is your duty to reveal your research. Telling us to do the research is trolling.

That’s your opinion and you are entitled to it. The truth is I could write out all the shit he’s pulled and you can pull out all the shit you like about him and neither of us (or anyone else for that matter) is going to change their minds on the subject. The truth is Newsom didn’t make CA the 5th or 7th largest economy the people did long before he was ruining SF as mayor. I just grew in the 80’s when the state and the country was a better place than it is now. I come on this site to talk about weed not politics do that’s what I’m gonna do. Good day


Well-Known Member
Yeah like that trillion dollar train to nowhere that still isn’t done? I’ll admit he wasn’t anywhere as bad as Newsom and several times his decisions were fail in refusing to sign ridiculous bills. That’s why I don’t remember anyone trying to recall him like the sack of shit we have in now.
Yep, that trillion dollar train went nowhere because Republicans have the imagination of termites. Jerry Brown saved California from Republicans. Don't you remember how badly they were running the government? The state nearly went into default. Not surprising. After all, Republicans believe nothing good comes from the government and they set out to prove it every time they get in control. Happens at the state and local level.

That's what happens when public policy is based upon falsehoods.


Well-Known Member
That’s your opinion and you are entitled to it. The truth is I could write out all the shit he’s pulled and you can pull out all the shit you like about him and neither of us (or anyone else for that matter) is going to change their minds on the subject. The truth is Newsom didn’t make CA the 5th or 7th largest economy the people did long before he was ruining SF as mayor. I just grew in the 80’s when the state and the country was a better place than it is now. I come on this site to talk about weed not politics do that’s what I’m gonna do. Good day
Entailed white bitches say whatever they like and expect others to do the fact checking.


Well-Known Member
Yes the tunnels suck and people are more narcissistic but even today I wouldn’t try to recall Brown or even Biden. Newsom though is such an arrogant asshole and has done a ton of sneaky shit like lying about fire protections and making deals with PG&E. It’s not just because he on the left.

Jerry Brown and his water tunnels can eat a dick, but people are way more externally narcissistic today than they were yesterday and recalls are going to become more "normal".


Well-Known Member
Entailed white bitches say whatever they like and expect others to do the fact checking.
Entailed white bitches say whatever they like and expect others to do the fact checking.

Naw bitch I just expect you to for once in your life to do something for yourself instead of having others do it for you. I know it sounds tough but you can do it


Well-Known Member
Yes the tunnels suck and people are more narcissistic but even today I wouldn’t try to recall Brown or even Biden. Newsom though is such an arrogant asshole and has done a ton of sneaky shit like lying about fire protections and making deals with PG&E. It’s not just because he on the left.
I'm not a big fan of Slick either, but he wouldn't have been recalled ten years ago.

It is because he's on the left, regardless of what you would do.