Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

how long did you keep it? I would love to have one if they could be properly domesticated.

I've seen some females that were very close to domesticated but almost never a male.
Wild is wild.

I wanted a pet skunk for the longest

I had one of these as well - friends had to move & they had a de-scented one that was as dumb as a box of hammers.
Gave it to another couple after a few weeks.
what did the orthopod say, totals? :hug:
I saw his PA this time, and we talked about the pros and cons of replacing them now. He ordered cobalt / chromium tests so we can see where my levels are at now. And he did ex-rays and they are intact and appear to be well fixed, he said. So ultimately they are leaving it up to me when and if to replace them. BIG decision. And ultimately I could make things worse...revision surgery seems a bit scary!

And he told me there's not a shoulder surgeon within 50 miles...I'll have to travel to Syracuse or elsewhere for that surgery when the time comes...which I might be able to put off for years.
I’m tired of taking pills. Hip and knee done as soon as I can man. Fuckn covid. No surgeries for now.

Time for star dawg or wtf I bought. Tastes like my grandpa’s pipe.
One of my buddies just had a total hip replacement, and he was in agony before the surgery...But totally pain free within days afterwards, and he was back to work as a mechanic in 2 weeks, which is probably pushing it, and he's not a kid...somewhere around 65 y.o.

The pills do suck...they wind up robbing you of life!!
One of my buddies just had a total hip replacement, and he was in agony before the surgery...But totally pain free within days afterwards, and he was back to work as a mechanic in 2 weeks, which is probably pushing it, and he's not a kid...somewhere around 65 y.o.

The pills do suck...they wind up robbing you of life!!
The ball of my femur is destroyed. Can’t tell it was a ball. Left side. Right knee is bone on bone to a disgusting degree. Left knee replacement has shifted.
Hydrocodone and oxycodone time release. I still can’t walk.