Outdoor Grow (with Coast of Maine Stonington Blend & Fox Farm Nutes)


New Member
Hi everyone. I'm fairly new to growing. Well I've had 3-4 grows but still a newbie. Anyway this yr I have an outdoor soil grow in 10 gallon fabric pots using Coast of Maine Stonington Blend..Its meant to be a grow all season soil with no needed nutrients..Well I should have read more carefully. Before that I ordered the 3 Pack of Fox Farm and have been feeding them that schedule also. Its an organic soil I thought..? Am I wrong to ad liquid nutrients to that soil? My plants seem to love it. I had a few minor issues with to much rain..but now they look great and are in 2-3 wk of flowering..I also got some cal mag and gave them a little of that..just a little teaspoon per gallon..the plants look healthy I just dont know if I should have ever added the fox farm trio pack to it..oh well..we still have another 6 wks left of growing maybe 7. Its 9/3/21 now. I figure October 15-21..We usually never get to halloween up here in NY..I'm in Finger Lakes..Let me know if anyone has added fox farm to Coast of Maine..just curious of their outcome. Peace
You should be fine, as long as the plants are happy and not looking over fed. If your still feeding them the grow big, you might want to ease up on that. You should have plenty of N in your soil now that your in flower. I use to use the fox farm line up, it's works well but IMO not worth the money they want for it. Espona or Jobs works just as well when mixed with the soil or used as a top dressing and much cheaper. You should research making your soil in the organic section, there's a lot of good information there.