There is a problem that I have with some sativas, I can't give it to my loved friends, if I do, I need to be there and give them just for one little joint, one of them is a beast that every day when comes from work like to roll a double paper joint (and some more after shower), he can't do it with my Malawi or Golden Tiger, and he don't want to listen or understand that you need to mind the dose, another friend, wich I gifted him a nice bud because he don't like cannabis so much (just in special ocasions) and if he smoke, he does little joints, at the end, one day someone (the brother of his wife) did comes to his house and did take a huge joint from Malawi... there is a wife that dont want to see me around there nevermore... Pure sativas are something serious, you cant gift it without care, because there are gonna be "history of the super joint" for years to come because a hard and bad trip, somehow you want to share deep from your heart someting good and end up being a drug terrorist.