Pandemic 2020

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I don't like the paste,.. but I verified with a Dr. on the correct dosage per body weight with the liquid.

Ivermectin has been used in humans for 35 years and over 4 billion doses have been administered. Merck, the original patent holder, donated 3.7 Billion doses to developing countries. In 2015, the two individuals who developed Ivermectin were awarded a Nobel Prize for medicine. But all of a sudden, it doesn’t work anymore.
I’m trying to figure some stuff out around here!”

“There is now a full-on propaganda campaign against Ivermectin. The FDA is telling people not to take it because it's "dangerous" and the media is portraying it as horse medicine.
Meanwhile, here are the facts:
-IVM was isolated from soil bacteria in Japan 40 years ago by Dr Satoshi Omura.
-It has been prescribed nearly 4 BILLION times to humans since 1987.
-It has saved millions of lives from parasitic and viral infections.
-Dr. Omura won the Nobel Prize for it in 2015.
-It is listed as one of the WHO's Essential Medicines.
-It has anti-parasitic, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.
-It is safer than aspirin.
-It is easy to get in many countries without a prescription.
-It is 86% effective for prevention and 72% effective for early treatment of C-19 according to real-time meta-analysis of 63 studies.
-The countries that have adopted IVM for prevention and early treatment have seen dramatic drops in C-19 cases and deaths. Look at the charts!
-IVM is off-patent and inexpensive.
-In February 2021 former patent holder Merck said, "there is no meaningful evidence" and "a lack of safety data" on IVM for C-19, according to their company scientists. Um, it's one of the safest medicines in the world, prescribed 4 billion times over 40 years. Isn't that enough evidence to use it in an "emergency?"
-In June 2021 Merck secured a 1.2 Billion dollar deal with the US government to test a NEW patented oral drug for C-19 called molnupiravir. Bingo. Follow the money.
-Yes, Ivermectin is sold as a medicine for livestock and is available at farm/feed stores like Tractor Supply, and also on Amazon.
-The reason some people have resorted to taking Ivermectin horse paste is because it is not easy to find a doctor to prescribe it in the U.S. and even if you do, some corporate pharmacy chains are refusing to fill prescriptions (!!!). A few not-so-smart people have been temporarily hospitalized from incorrect dosing of horse paste (major news story), but no deaths have been reported. Meanwhile, there are over 13,000 deaths from those new drugs and the nothing-to-see-here media blackout continues.

Horse Boy
More far right / white trash bullshit.

3 Vermont State Troopers resign as FBI launches fake COVID vaccine cards probe

Three Vermont State Troopers have resigned following an investigation into an alleged fraudulent COVID-19 vaccination card scheme, the Vermont State Police said in a statement on Tuesday.

Driving the news: The former troopers are suspected of creating fake COVID-19 vaccination cards, per the statement.

  • The case has been referred to the U.S. Attorney Office in Vermont and the FBI, which has opened an investigation into the matter.
Details: Two of the officers, Shawn Sommers and Raymond Witkowski, submitted their resignations last month on Aug. 10.

  • David Pfindel resigned on Sept. 3 following an additional investigation from the Department of Public Safety.

What they're saying: “[It] is reprehensible that state troopers would manipulate vaccination cards in the midst of a pandemic, when being vaccinated is one of the most important steps anyone can take to keep their community safe from COVID-19," said director of the Vermont State Police Col. Matthew Birmingham.

  • "[The] alleged criminal conduct from these troopers does not represent the values and actions of the dedicated men and women of the Vermont State Police," Birmingham added.
I don't like the paste,.. but I verified with a Dr. on the correct dosage

facebook, md

the media is portraying it as horse medicine.

the manufacturers do that too. they put a picture of a horse on the box and everything and say "for oral use on horses only"

-It is 86% effective for prevention and 72% effective for early treatment of C-19 according to real-time meta-analysis of 63 studies.

no it isnt but even if that were true then the vaccine is far more effective

some people have resorted to taking Ivermectin horse paste is because it is not easy to find a doctor to prescribe it in the U.S.

those stupid fucking doctors eh horse boy
I was just watching weekly skews and they were talking about lower sperm counts from the dewormer. Horse people know not to give it to their studs, but I bet most folks who are taking it do not realize this long known fact. Sadly too many of them already have offspring. (kind of eliminates any evolutionary gains we might have made from covid)
lol it makes the 'white genocide' troll's posts seem almost likely.

Screen Shot 2021-09-08 at 7.45.47 AM.png

I don't like the paste,.. but I verified with a Dr. on the correct dosage per body weight with the liquid.

Ivermectin has been used in humans for 35 years and over 4 billion doses have been administered. Merck, the original patent holder, donated 3.7 Billion doses to developing countries. In 2015, the two individuals who developed Ivermectin were awarded a Nobel Prize for medicine. But all of a sudden, it doesn’t work anymore.
I’m trying to figure some stuff out around here!”

“There is now a full-on propaganda campaign against Ivermectin. The FDA is telling people not to take it because it's "dangerous" and the media is portraying it as horse medicine.
Meanwhile, here are the facts:
-IVM was isolated from soil bacteria in Japan 40 years ago by Dr Satoshi Omura.
-It has been prescribed nearly 4 BILLION times to humans since 1987.
-It has saved millions of lives from parasitic and viral infections.
-Dr. Omura won the Nobel Prize for it in 2015.
-It is listed as one of the WHO's Essential Medicines.
-It has anti-parasitic, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.
-It is safer than aspirin.
-It is easy to get in many countries without a prescription.
-It is 86% effective for prevention and 72% effective for early treatment of C-19 according to real-time meta-analysis of 63 studies.
-The countries that have adopted IVM for prevention and early treatment have seen dramatic drops in C-19 cases and deaths. Look at the charts!
-IVM is off-patent and inexpensive.
-In February 2021 former patent holder Merck said, "there is no meaningful evidence" and "a lack of safety data" on IVM for C-19, according to their company scientists. Um, it's one of the safest medicines in the world, prescribed 4 billion times over 40 years. Isn't that enough evidence to use it in an "emergency?"
-In June 2021 Merck secured a 1.2 Billion dollar deal with the US government to test a NEW patented oral drug for C-19 called molnupiravir. Bingo. Follow the money.
-Yes, Ivermectin is sold as a medicine for livestock and is available at farm/feed stores like Tractor Supply, and also on Amazon.
-The reason some people have resorted to taking Ivermectin horse paste is because it is not easy to find a doctor to prescribe it in the U.S. and even if you do, some corporate pharmacy chains are refusing to fill prescriptions (!!!). A few not-so-smart people have been temporarily hospitalized from incorrect dosing of horse paste (major news story), but no deaths have been reported. Meanwhile, there are over 13,000 deaths from those new drugs and the nothing-to-see-here media blackout continues.

Horse Boy
lol you are selling this horse dewormer that has been shown to have no clinical use for the Corona virus really really hard.

I do love your deflection away from the actual company that makes the horse dewormer coming out to say that it doesn't work with a 'um its prescribed a lot' line.

Any asshole with money can get a patent, it doesnt make it real. The reasons real doctors won't prescribe it for this very dangerous virus is that there is no reason to assume it works outside of some idiots falling for propaganda spam.
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Same weeks.... of different years. And I went back 7 years. They all look the same except for this past Flu season.View attachment 4981447View attachment 4981448
What's the point here, other than rationalizing your fear on an anonymous form? Are you trying to convince anybody, other than yourself and those who might agree with you? The reason you are unvaxxed is because you are irrationally afraid, all anti vaxxers and the hesitant are, it's the primary motivating factor fear, unreasonable, illogical fear, a slow motion panic attack. You are now part of a suicide cult and increasingly people are either laughing at you, or pitying you, but they ain't respecting you, that's for sure.

There was no flu because of masks, social distancing and hand washing, even the old covid was way more infectious than the flu, there is a graph of flu cases dropping while covid increased. I believe your reasons are fear and politics, you are a Trumper and a bigot, that's why you are a republican, it's why everybody is a republican these days, it's become the hallmark of a flawed character, as all the good folk left long ago. Now it has descended into a suicide cult, with members reinforcing each other's delusions, fears and death wishes. All this bullshit because some people fear to compete on a level playing field with brown and black folks. All this shit, as they dance around the central issue of their own hate and fear with cries of freedom, and crow about rights they don't actually have. Qnon, the culture wars, voter suppression, stepping on women's rights and abusing the law to "get" those you don't like, it's a cold civil war package deal.
I read that the death rate of Trump/Republican supporters is/has been actually discussed amongst GOP leadership.

Ain't that a bitch :) :) :)
Many more will be fucked over than die, a near death experience can be a life altering event and a real attitude adjuster. The margins are razor thin in many places though and if they lose a few hundred to death and a few thousand stay home, they are screwed. If the democrats gain a significant advantage in the house and senate they will finish them off in a hurry by leveling the playing field first and voting laws with teeth. They will destroy the domestic disinformation network of bullshit for profit and make a domestic terrorist list with thousands on it right from the get go, they won't be able to own guns or ammo, or fly on an airline. Death threats to public officials will be easier to track and penalties will include getting out of prison in a bag. There are a lot of really smart people with solutions, but ya got to win first and as they say, take back your country from a bunch of lunatics, psychos and con artists. Those of low character elect people of low character and it sure as shit shows.
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New Studies Find Evidence Of 'Superhuman' Immunity To COVID-19 In Some People : Goats and Soda : NPR

Yeah, and the antivaxxers feel they are among them, with "special" immune systems, because they are young and in such great shape and oh, so special.
Ivermectin has been used in humans for 35 years and over 4 billion doses have been administered. Merck, the original patent holder, donated 3.7 Billion doses to developing countries. In 2015, the two individuals who developed Ivermectin were awarded a Nobel Prize for medicine. But all of a sudden, it doesn’t work anymore.
It works great if you have worms.

Keep taking Ivermectin, though. A low sperm count among imbeciles is good for humanity.
It works great if you have worms.

Keep taking Ivermectin, though. A low sperm count among imbeciles is good for humanity.
We had this work video educating the Covid 19 deniers go to email about how Getting Covid 19 actually has good chance of making you a limp dick but getting the Covid 19 shot increases sperm count. My husband gets like 3 hour boners at night now after getting the shot. It’s good stuff.
My first car was a 1966 Plymouth Valiant, 4 door, slant six. The distributor was on the bottom side of the slant and when it rained hard, water would splash it and stop the motor. Then, you had to just wait until it dried. An old man car that was a trade in at the dealership my dad worked for. In great shape. It didn't draw attention of the cops. I had a good sound system, though. I worked at a car stereo maker, not one that anyone would recognize, though.1966-plymouth-valiant-is-a-diamond-in-the-rough-photo-gallery_1.jpg
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