9 days in. Being patient. Just wondering.

Based on what I'm reading. These are not growing right. First grow...these are autoflowers.



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I grew an auto flower once. It was tiny and disappointing but it was fairly bomb. I maybe got a half oz from it. Try watering less, that's alot of soil for those tiny plants. Maybe water more towards the outer edge of the pots so those roots reach instead of drown. But keep in mind I haven't grown in years so I'm definitely an expert.
Okay so I love the debates guys. Remember we all here for the same objective. No reason to pissing match over the small stuff :)

So I'm seeing from comments u guys dnt see any stunted growth rates in 9 days per ur experience and I trust that.

I will say it is definitely not over water. I have gave them like a 2 second spray with a pump spray every other day. I was posting question underwatering and u guys have agreed that's probably not the issue.

I didn't give much information for the reason of free thought.

The pots are 3 gallon and I'm willing to defiantly try the cup method and see the difference on the next run.

Thanks guys. Good info will keep trucking.