Problem with dead/dying leaves and small buds


Active Member
50l fabric pot
John innes multi purpose compost (uk)
4 Led lights over 2000w worth
fans and exhaust fans
Temp and humidity monitored
Plant magic nutes one feed on one feed just water
PH 6.5
Currently at end of week 8 of flower

so I used all of these on my first grow and it went perfectly hadno issues at all. Now on my last 2 runs they have gone like this! Small buds, regular dying leaves, weak and unhealthy stalks. Now this is all of the 25 I have bar 3 plants which are not as bad. I’m at a loss to see why this has happened when I haven’t done any thing different to my first one? I’ve had a thrip infestation which was fairly bad but I treated the plants,i know this would stunt growth but not this badly surely? Any ideas anyone ?



Well-Known Member
50l fabric pot
John innes multi purpose compost (uk)
4 Led lights over 2000w worth
fans and exhaust fans
Temp and humidity monitored
Plant magic nutes one feed on one feed just water
PH 6.5
Currently at end of week 8 of flower

so I used all of these on my first grow and it went perfectly hadno issues at all. Now on my last 2 runs they have gone like this! Small buds, regular dying leaves, weak and unhealthy stalks. Now this is all of the 25 I have bar 3 plants which are not as bad. I’m at a loss to see why this has happened when I haven’t done any thing different to my first one? I’ve had a thrip infestation which was fairly bad but I treated the plants,i know this would stunt growth but not this badly surely? Any ideas anyone ?
What did you use for the thrips?