Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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I don't know if I trust what you used to track referrals.

I also found this article on the website.

Even that one is from Late June of this year.

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I dug around that site too. It didn't seem particularly obnoxious or biased.

On the other hand, @Three Berries didn't understand what he read. Or maybe he repeated lies from the Drudge report. Or maybe he was straight out lying. The article he linked to did not say what he said it did.
I guess I am saying it is a brand new website, I am not sure I would trust some sock puppet website that is trying to build credibility as being trustworthy.

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And wtf is '41 Pushups'? It is a pretty bro-rific name IMO.

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I think the differences between the mRNA content of the vaccines is extremely interesting. The Pfizer vaccine has 30 mcg per dose, while Moderna has 100 mcg per dose. So a soon to be full course of 3 Pfizer vaccines has less total mRNA than a single dose of Moderna. Or to put it another way, a 3 dose course of Moderna has about the same amount of mRNA as 10 doses of Pfizer. I thought it was strange that Moderna was applying for permission to cut the 3rd dose in half, but it makes sense now, even a half dose has 20 mcg more mRNA than a full dose of Pfizer. Why did Pfizer do this? Well, their research indicated that 30 mcg of mRNA was the minimum dose necessary to get an acceptable antibody response, whereas Moderna was going for the maximum dose possible that did not result in serious side effects. It will be extremely interesting to see how the difference in these vaccines plays out in the long term.
Even that one is from Late June of this year.

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I guess I am saying it is a brand new website, I am not sure I would trust some sock puppet website that is trying to build credibility as being trustworthy.

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And wtf is '41 Pushups'? It is a pretty bro-rific name IMO.

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I will say this: the article that the sockpuppet misquoted was interesting and not wrong.

The article that I linked to was published almost a year ago. They found that SARS-CoV-2 (coronavirus) proteins, like other virus proteins cause changes to an infected cell's epigenetic system. Epigenetic systems regulate gene expression. It sounds sinister but epigenetic changes are how we respond to changes in our environment. Happens all the time. Also is reversible. What it is NOT is a change in genetic code.

Obviously, @Three Berries had it wrong.
It's amazing how cavalier antivaxxers are about this epidemic. Not only are they practically begging to get infected by the Delta variant, doing all the wrong things regarding CDC and state guidelines, they are getting aggressive toward people who mask up. It's happened to me and others in my family. Wore a mask and somebody got in my face asking me why was I wearing a mask. My reason wasn't exactly rocket science -- the sign at the door said they were required and the state was starting to surge upward in new cases at the time. Not that I felt any obligation to answer. The guy was just being a sealion.

So, yeah, fuck them. But they are fucking themselves, no need to say so.

It looks as if the recent surge is past the peak. Might be wishful thinking but I'm guessing its the last time.

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The Delta virus is very transmissible and it's spreading through the un-masked, un-vaccinated crowd like a fire through dry grass. Pretty soon there won't be enough people who are susceptible for it to propagate and will die out. I think this is the last of it.
I hope like hell you’re right.
I dug around that site too. It didn't seem particularly obnoxious or biased.

On the other hand, @Three Berries didn't understand what he read. Or maybe he repeated lies from the Drudge report. Or maybe he was straight out lying. The article he linked to did not say what he said it did.
Drudge, wouldn't touch that left wing rag. Might as well use the Rolling Stone as a source....
It's a bunch of BS. Where are the flu deaths????

I will say this: the article that the sockpuppet misquoted was interesting and not wrong.

The article that I linked to was published almost a year ago. They found that SARS-CoV-2 (coronavirus) proteins, like other virus proteins cause changes to an infected cell's epigenetic system. Epigenetic systems regulate gene expression. It sounds sinister but epigenetic changes are how we respond to changes in our environment. Happens all the time. Also is reversible. What it is NOT is a change in genetic code.

Obviously, @Three Berries had it wrong.
I meant the sock puppet website posted that Trump article a month ago.
I meant the sock puppet website posted that Trump article a month ago.
Excellent at least three of the rules.....

  1. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage."
  2. "A good tactic is one your people enjoy."
  3. "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. "
lol the true reporter huh?

I mean if the website says it is true, it must be!

lol more whack-a-doo shit.
https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-true-reporter/Screen Shot 2021-09-10 at 5.04.43 PM.png

Excellent at least three of the rules.....

  1. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage."
  2. "A good tactic is one your people enjoy."
  3. "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. "
Is that more troll deflection shit?