HT's projected most popular strains of '09


Junior Creatologist
So once again, HighTimes has taken it upon themselves to name the top three strains to be looking for across the United States in 2009. The strains deemed to be what all of us are gonna be growing for the apparent masses are:

Burmese Kush
Pineapple Punch/Pineapple Express
Purple Diesel
Blackberry Kush
OG Kush

I know, no big deal, but i just figured that you all might wanna know what everyone is gonna be creaming over next year, just like this year was the year of the purple strains, next year these strains will be the most sought after. Woo-Hoo. Thanks Hightimes for dictating our growing agenda :D


Oracle of Hallucinogens
So once again, HighTimes has taken it upon themselves to name the top three strains to be looking for across the United States in 2009. The strains deemed to be what all of us are gonna be growing for the apparent masses are:

Burmese Kush
Pineapple Punch/Pineapple Express
Purple Diesel
Blackberry Kush
OG Kush

I know, no big deal, but i just figured that you all might wanna know what everyone is gonna be creaming over next year, just like this year was the year of the purple strains, next year these strains will be the most sought after. Woo-Hoo. Thanks Hightimes for dictating our growing agenda :D
Are you kidding me? No bid deal? YOU ARE FUCKING CRAZY!!! They have a fucking pineapple express and you think this is not a big deal? haha.. I'm totally growing that shit! haha good post btw :joint:


Well-Known Member
Man, it aint no different than any other fad going on in the world. The best ones will stand the true test of time and that test is-----> All of us fellow growers :)


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I hope that wasn't in regard to my post man? I honestly just think it's funny that there is a pineapple express. I've OG Kush so many times in the past year I could punch babies.


Junior Creatologist
the point should really be - were gonna grow whatever the fuck we wanna grow, and we should be doin this shit to prove the point that hightimes magazine is NOT the flagship newsletter for growers worldwide. Its a mag made specifically for wide eyed stoners who wanna believe they have the inside info on whats gonna be around next year. While those strains are some bomb ass shit, the mag shouldnt be a primer for what we fuckin grow. We aint at the mercy of the cannabis consumer, its the other way around.


Well-Known Member
yeah fuck that. i love to look at high times, but now anytime one of those strains is around, its gonna be 600 and oz


Well-Known Member
I hope that wasn't in regard to my post man? I honestly just think it's funny that there is a pineapple express. I've OG Kush so many times in the past year I could punch babies.
Nah dude not about your post at all. I was just commenting on the 10 strain list and how it's just this years fad of strains. It's marketing at its best.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
connoisseurs and newbies are kind of in the same boat. Name means everything to both of em.. if you're a newb and you have "OG Kush" instead of middies, you sound like you know your shit.. if you're a connoisseur and have "OG Kush" you have bragging rights of "High Times best strains of 2009" blah blah.. kinda like wearing a rolex.

On the other hand, maybe there is an advantage to some of the sponsored high rated strains, but it's a lot of hype. A shitty newbie grower with an amazing strain will have shitty weed with an amazing name. lol.


Well-Known Member
New strains every year are suspect. Have they had time to breed consistency and uniformity? I wouldn't think so. If I take a Blueberry and cross it with a BubbleGum and call it bubbleberry the seeds I produce could throw back either set of genetics, you wouldn't know what you'd be getting. Check out Serious Seeds, they only fuck with the same 5 or 6 stains year after year. Give me Ak-47 or Kali Mist over anything new. I'm preaching, somebody tell me to fuck off. :mrgreen:


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Dutch, on the contrary, do not fuck off! What you said makes a lot of sense, these assholes take some bullshit plant and another one and come up with a plant with no stability, or they turn shit when they start growing, or like when lowryder started off the majority of the seeds being male, etc. so good post dude.


Well-Known Member
Folks that magazine is supported more by advertisers than those that buy it and who are their advertisers?

I doubt HT even has a choice finacially, every media bows to it's advertisers fully, that list or article is just an ad.

Anyone ever see banner ads on this site for that fake weed shit that doesn't work. I have, and we all know it's a rip off.
This site probably is in the same boat, has to take any advertiser regardless.

And yea, if a new strain hasn't gone through full stabilization over a period of years or whatever it can't be consitent.
If it is, then it can't actually be new and is actually probably something old with a new name.


Well-Known Member
New strains every year are suspect. Have they had time to breed consistency and uniformity? I wouldn't think so. If I take a Blueberry and cross it with a BubbleGum and call it bubbleberry the seeds I produce could throw back either set of genetics, you wouldn't know what you'd be getting. Check out Serious Seeds, they only fuck with the same 5 or 6 stains year after year. Give me Ak-47 or Kali Mist over anything new. I'm preaching, somebody tell me to fuck off. :mrgreen:
Well said Dutch!! Thats what I was trying to say as well. I love serious seeds and my next grow is Kali Mist.


Junior Creatologist
Personally the only strain that caught my eye was Gooberry, but thats also because i saw a pic of the nugs. Those fuckin centerfolds are decieving man, they need to take them buds out from under the blacklight for sure, lol. As far as stabalizing a strain goes, it can be done in a little over a year if a grower dedicates all his grows to making a strain consistent over that period of time. It would be workin in overdrive to achieve it, but im sure it can be done from everything ive read. But im no breeder, the next attempt at getting seeds IM makin , is when i take my Power skunk male (which i dont even know if ill have a male, lol), and i cross it with my BlueCheese mom. Not to create a new strain, so much as to get my ass a fuckin handful of premium seeds. One way or the other the smoke will still be danky, so i aint worried, :D


Well-Known Member
1yr, well, maybe you're right, that would be a hell of a race to run through that many generations in so short a time though, isn't it supposed to be 5 generations or what?

No doubt that handfull of premium seeds sounds nice. I still have dreams of doing this too. Yea they'll be killer seeds no matter which way they go.


Well-Known Member
im with dutch...serious seeds is the shit..good stable genetics..not all over the map..championship after championship after championship...ak 47...white russian....chronic..kali mist..and bubblegum....all been around for years..old school :)


New Member
i grew bubbleberry in 92 lol mixed it with champagne to make candy now its out again? but pinnaple express would b kool though


Well-Known Member
pineapple punch isn't a new strain, it's been around for at least a few years, but now that last summer there was a movie called pineapple express about weed that tastes like pineapples they're going to call it that and sell it for more.. there are other strains that have the pineapple bouquet as well, anyone could just as easily call those one pineapple express too...


Junior Creatologist
pineapple punch isn't a new strain, it's been around for at least a few years, but now that last summer there was a movie called pineapple express about weed that tastes like pineapples they're going to call it that and sell it for more.. there are other strains that have the pineapple bouquet as well, anyone could just as easily call those one pineapple express too...

I know, lol - thats why everytime i say it im laughing to myself man. Its kinda wierd that they would RENAME an already bomb dank strain just because of the marketability of the name pineapple express. N yeah you could definitely do the same with any other pineapple tasting strain, as long as it is in fact, a pineapple tasting strain, lol.

Wait that's how they get those sick pictures? With a black light?
Yeah dude, or some other type of LED or somethin -- do you think that EVERY SINGLE CENTERFOLD hightimes has, features nugs that are orange, blue, purple, red, green, white, pink, n fuckin every other color of the rainbow, all in one nug?? lol cmon man. All you gotta do is look at the front of the bud in every centerfold, where the blacklight dont effect the appearance of the nug, and see what the bud really looks like. Gooberry, should you grow out the right phenotype, looks like it has a hint of purple, with bright orange hairs, and is covered with resin man -- just fuckin awesome lookin. Lemme take a quickpic for you guys n ill get right back to yaz.