Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Great job on the cabinet :clap:

Thank you, I'm planning on starting 10 seeds around the 13th of October. Should be ready to go into the big room as soon as this crop is done.

Hahaha won’t be a nice hotel babe.

I would treat it like I'm interviewing them. What hotel would I be staying in? What type of snacks are being served? What's the wifi password? So many questions... I'd be kicked out for sure.
Thank you, I'm planning on starting 10 seeds around the 13th of October. Should be ready to go into the big room as soon as this crop is done.

I would treat it like I'm interviewing them. What hotel would I be staying in? What type of snacks are being served? What's the wifi password? So many questions... I'd be kicked out for sure.
You’re a nutbag
And you have that uncontrollable tic or twitch in better control now right lol
I do have a constant hum to me. Think I just vibrate at the wrong frequency... Never gets me in trouble though... hmm

They have dress codes? I guess reenacting the Tom Cruise/Jack Nicholson scene from a few good men is out of the question.
Yup. No stains, rips, tears (intentional or not), no hoodies, no shorts or super short skirts. No sneakers (this is my issue, gonna be breaking this one)
No logos other than incidental branding, no open toed anything. I am gonna have a big bright pink respirator on. Maybe I will draw a smily face on the filter pack, since they can't make me take my mask off...
I do have a constant hum to me. Think I just vibrate at the wrong frequency... Never gets me in trouble though... hmm

Yup. No stains, rips, tears (intentional or not), no hoodies, no shorts or super short skirts. No sneakers (this is my issue, gonna be breaking this one)
No logos other than incidental branding, no open toed anything. I am gonna have a big bright pink respirator on. Maybe I will draw a smily face on the filter pack, since they can't make me take my mask off...

I could be batshit crazy in those confines.

Bright pink crocs with rainbow fuzzy socks... one or two sizes too big so you drag your heels when you walk. Gold MC Hammer pants and this top. No joke tho I really want that top.
