How Does Your Garden Grow??????

12 hours of direct light is plenty for veggies.
But there could be other considerations such as humidity during flower with too many plants.
The more off time with the lights, the more humidity you'll get in the dark too.
But I've seen photos of tents with both and all look healthy.
Thank you
@xtsho , do you concur?
Seeking a second opinion, eh?
Given plenty myself.
I’m new to tent vegetable gardening as well.
Chili peppers are a natural though. I’ve had good crops.
The harvest is substantial. And they last longer.
A dozen eggplants, or cucumbers, or even tomatoes … probably not worth it but I wanted to do something different.
I have much more weed than I need.
Good luck!
It's going to depend on the plant. Some may be fine with 12 hours of light while others are going to need at least 16 for good production. Shorter light hours will signal to some plants that the season is coming to an end just like cannabis.
The fact my longest day of the year is 14 hours 7 minutes effects everything I do, especially cannabis.
It's going to depend on the plant. Some may be fine with 12 hours of light while others are going to need at least 16 for good production. Shorter light hours will signal to some plants that the season is coming to an end just like cannabis.
True. For instance. I believe garlic is one.
The ones he mentioned though, especially the peas and peppers, would be OK.
More light would produce more tomato fruit but in a tent you have finite space anyways.
Removed a few pumpkins today as frost is creeping in tonight or tomorrow. This is about 1/2 from the 7 plants. Covering the rest outside as they are mostly green or orange.

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BTW. I used Miracle Grow 18-18-21 for the above once a week. Left them for a 2week period before food a number of times because of the heat wave though. Epson and Dolomite (around a tbsp around each plant) were also applied 2x in 6 week intervals. This was the first year I've tried that technique.
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BTW. I used Miracle Grow 18-18-21 for the above once a week. Left them for a 2week period before food a number of times because of the heat wave though. Epson and Dolomite (around a tbsp around each plant) were also applied 2x in 6 week intervals. This was the first year I've tried that technique.
I've just about gone salt free. I do still put two cups of flower ferts in a 50 gallon soil mix.
I've just about gone salt free. I do still put two cups of flower ferts in a 50 gallon soil mix.

I went 100% salt free this year. Everything grew as good as it has in the past. The only thing I fed was JADAM - JLF, JMS and KNF - FPJ, WCA, WCP, and IMO. Everything was free except for the vinegar I used to make the WCA and WCP. But I'm making my own vinegar from crab apples I have growing in my yard so I won't even pay for vinegar in the future.

I still have some commercial fertilizer but I'll use that up on all the flowers I grow. But once that's gone I'll never buy anything again. Everything I put on my plants will come from previous plants. Just one never ending cycle just as nature has done for millions of years on it's own.
I went 100% salt free this year. Everything grew as good as it has in the past. The only thing I fed was JADAM - JLF, JMS and KNF - FPJ, WCA, WCP, and IMO. Everything was free except for the vinegar I used to make the WCA and WCP. But I'm making my own vinegar from crab apples I have growing in my yard so I won't even pay for vinegar in the future.

I still have some commercial fertilizer but I'll use that up on all the flowers I grow. But once that's gone I'll never buy anything again. Everything I put on my plants will come from previous plants. Just one never ending cycle just as nature has done for millions of years on it's own.
Nice! I usually just feed fish emulsion but I didn't give my tomatoes anything this year and I had my best crop in a long time. I've built up my soil a lot over the past few years though, next year I'll be adding all the comfrey I started growing this year. I'll probably rake in some alfalfa pellets after I clean out the beds right before winter this year. I like the idea of producing all your own inputs at home though.
I've just about gone salt free. I do still put two cups of flower ferts in a 50 gallon soil mix.

I've honestly learned more about gardening in the last 2 1/2 years since starting to grow Weed than I had growing a backyard garden for the last 20+ years. I'm still at the point of using new techniques and focusing in on feeding/watering schedules, soil properties, NPK and micro nutrients, PH, etc. But I'm trying to incorporate more Organics as I go forward. Thing with learning this shit on the Webz is it can get tricky, especially for a new Cannabis grower, to sift through the total BS that's out there non stop. I'm at least at the point of quickly and easily dismissing misinformation and nonsense and using my own growing knowledge that's been accrued aver the 20 years or so. That helps.
I've honestly learned more about gardening in the last 2 1/2 years since starting to grow Weed than I had growing a backyard garden for the last 20+ years. I'm still at the point of using new techniques and focusing in on feeding/watering schedules, soil properties, NPK and micro nutrients, PH, etc. But I'm trying to incorporate more Organics as I go forward. Thing with learning this shit on the Webz is it can get tricky, especially for a new Cannabis grower, to sift through the total BS that's out there non stop. I'm at least at the point of quickly and easily dismissing misinformation and nonsense and using my own growing knowledge that's been accrued aver the 20 years or so. That helps.
I've been around the bend and back with weed. Way back in the day I used manure composts for economic rather than ecological reasons. ie, I would have loved to use Miracle Grow, but couldn't afford it. These days I'm not as poor, but still tight. I do buy the pricey Holly/Tone organic ferts, but I don't put a lot in my soil mixes. It's mainly for the blueberry bushes.
Man I am tired of picking. No more maters here. Nice haul.

I still have probably another couple trays but they're green. I was going to take the plants out today because were finally getting some rain but there's too many green ones and we're going to warm up next week with some 80° days. So I'm going to let them ripen up except for a few fried green tomatoes I'll be eating. The beans still have a ways to go before they're finished as well. I've already canned 2 gallons worth and have eaten so many fresh that can't eat anymore for a couple days at least.

I used to get sad at the end of summer knowing the garden was coming to an end but I don't anymore because it never ends. Beets, lettuce, radishes, turnips, cabbage, Bok Choy, etc... seed can still be sown. Then there's onion and garlic sets to plant pretty soon. I'm learning how to be a year round gardener.
I still have probably another couple trays but they're green. I was going to take the plants out today because were finally getting some rain but there's too many green ones and we're going to warm up next week with some 80° days. So I'm going to let them ripen up except for a few fried green tomatoes I'll be eating. The beans still have a ways to go before they're finished as well. I've already canned 2 gallons worth and have eaten so many fresh that can't eat anymore for a couple days at least.

I used to get sad at the end of summer knowing the garden was coming to an end but I don't anymore because it never ends. Beets, lettuce, radishes, turnips, cabbage, Bok Choy, etc... seed can still be sown. Then there's onion and garlic sets to plant pretty soon. I'm learning how to be a year round gardener.
I meant next year on the maters. Becoming invasive at this point. And pounds on the plants still. And it becomes work. Ha Ha! enjoy the food. Wish my taste was back. Have a neon orange cantaloupe that broke it's feeder vine and almost ripe. Tomorrow. To be continued........Damn it.
I feel the same as you guys at end of season. Doesn't affect me anymore since I start the indoor Weed as soon the outdoor work is done. Might start a tad earlier than December this time. Mid October maybe! When that's done, Tomato seeds and seedlings time. I've already got some dried and ready to go. :)
Ours are still in the ground from spring. Should pull the lager ones.

Too bad the pineapple won't be ripe for about a year here. Fruit salad for 2. LOL.

Another mess of maters to pick and some bell and jalapenos. 80's again and full sun. No rain till tues/weds. Another $300 water coming up. Grr.
