What is the right age to teach your kids why you really hate Nazis?

Museum Sunday was a tradition my sibs and I loved.
I've always loved them.

We will start out visit at the Udzar-Hazy Museum. She will revel in the majesty of flight with dozens of spectacular aircraft such as the Discovery space shuttle. Hopefully,, she will also understand, through the Enola Gay, the power we have accumulated and the responsibility it encumbers us with to use it wisely.
In the mid 70s I knew someone who went to a German school here. Teachers rotated through from the Federal Republic. He told me that grades 10 through 13 history class contained much hand wringing analysis of how it came to be.
That's a very good description of the situation, and it was like that when I went to high school (90s), and I'm 100% sure it's exactly the same today.

It also comes up in other subjects (not history class), I'm sure they'd fit it into maths as well if at all possible.

Not that I'm opposed to that at all, just want to point out that the subject is adequately handled by the German school system.
So, you want to explain to her that homo sapiens is most likely a failed species; in a world where "god" is most likely nothing more than an idea. She is 6 years old.

I would tread carefully, and not project too much. Take a step back and go to the underlying problem: humans are weak.
At this point you are projecting your conclusions. I have known spectacularly subtle-minded six-year-olds.
That's a very good description of the situation, and it was like that when I went to high school (90s), and I'm 100% sure it's exactly the same today.

It also comes up in other subjects (not history class), I'm sure they'd fit it into maths as well if at all possible.

Not that I'm opposed to that at all, just want to point out that the subject is adequately handled by the German school system.
It took me by surprise here. I could see the parallels but imagine Cassandra in the sea of red hats.
This is what I hope to show her:

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) is the United States' official memorial to the Holocaust. Adjacent to the National Mall in Washington, D.C., the USHMM provides for the documentation, study, and interpretation of Holocaust history. It is dedicated to helping leaders and citizens of the world confront hatred, prevent genocide, promote human dignity, and strengthen democracy.[2]
I've always loved them.

We will start out visit at the Udzar-Hazy Museum. She will revel in the majesty of flight with dozens of spectacular aircraft such as the Discovery space shuttle. Hopefully,, she will also understand, through the Enola Gay, the power we have accumulated and the responsibility it encumbers us with to use it wisely.
A Blackbird is there, and Soviet-era space food. Give a moment to the Sisu-1 sailplane that showed that fiberglass is the stuff of win. And the French “ le pou volant”.

Both aeronautical facilities ( downtown and Udvar-Hazy are worth a day each.

Bummer about Natiral History. I cannot tell you how many hours I spent kvelling at their wonderful mineral and gemstone exhibits. And the hall of meteorites! Only the Met has finer.
At this point you are projecting your conclusions. I have known spectacularly subtle-minded six-year-olds.
I'm projecting my conclusions in a forum of Cannabis-growing adults.

And yes, one should not underestimate 6-year-olds. First of all, "Home Alone"; yes, the actor was 10 years old back then, but they're all acting down at least 5 years younger, so there you go.

Secondly, unironically you're right. We probably are underestimating the capability of a 6-year old gifted child here, and that's definitely projection.
I'm projecting my conclusions in a forum of Cannabis-growing adults.

And yes, one should not underestimate 6-year-olds. First of all, "Home Alone"; yes, the actor was 10 years old back then, but they're all acting down at least 5 years younger, so there you go.

Secondly, unironically you're right. We probably are underestimating the capability of a 6-year old gifted child here, and that's definitely projection.
I appreciate your measured response.
I'm projecting my conclusions in a forum of Cannabis-growing adults.

And yes, one should not underestimate 6-year-olds. First of all, "Home Alone"; yes, the actor was 10 years old back then, but they're all acting down at least 5 years younger, so there you go.

Secondly, unironically you're right. We probably are underestimating the capability of a 6-year old gifted child here, and that's definitely projection.
Funny, I will not let her watch that film (Home Alone). I think it is horrible and am shocked it is a Christmas favorite for so many of my neighbors. No, the little lesson at the end falls flat for me.

I have consulted the museum's website. Their recommendations are well thought out. The age they give is 8 with a parent. I am perhaps rushing it a bit.
Funny, I will not let her watch that film (Home Alone). I think it is horrible and am shocked it is a Christmas favorite for so many of my neighbors. No, the little lesson at the end falls flat for me.

I have consulted the museum's website. Their recommendations are well thought out. The age they give is 8 with a parent. I am perhaps rushing it a bit.
From what I have read about your kid, no. She will handle it well.
From what I have read about your kid, no. She will handle it well.
She'll love the Udvar-Hazy. She has the soul of an explorer and loves the many globes of earth and other planets in our home. She hopes to travel the universe when she grows up and bring together different life forms she finds.

It was built shortly after I left DC so I have not seen it yet either.

As a student, I spent a great deal of time in various Smithsonians always thankful for the gift to this country that James Smithson left us. His gift filled me with inspiration and inspired me to seek knowledge.

To quote Bunnydrums, "not till now did I understand" Though they wrote it about Robert Smithson, I didn't know it at the time.

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She'll love the Udvar-Hazy. She has the soul of an explorer and loves my many globes of earth and other planets in our home. She hopes to travel the universe when she grows up and bring together different life forms she finds.

It was built shortly after I left DC so I have not seen it yet either.
I saw Udvar-Hazy once. Pure aerospace nerd candy. A wonderful bookend to the glitz of Air and Space.

The SR has cream-colored tires. Extreme tech for 1964.
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She'll love the Udvar-Hazy. She has the soul of an explorer and loves the many globes of earth and other planets in our home. She hopes to travel the universe when she grows up and bring together different life forms she finds.

It was built shortly after I left DC so I have not seen it yet either.

As a student, I spent a great deal of time in various Smithsonians always thankful for the gift to this country that James Smithson left us. His gift filled me with inspiration and inspired me to seek knowledge.

To quote Bunnydrums, "not till now did I understand" Though they wrote it about Robert Smithson, I didn't know it at the time.

then also take her to the planetareium....bet she'll get a kick out of that...
We are headed to DC in a couple of weeks and I have been thinking a lot about what to show my six year old. Is she too young to take her to the Holocaust Museum? I've been thinking a lot about this lately. Earlier this month I showed her videos of 9/11 including people jumping to their death to avoid the fire for the first time and it made quite an impression on her.

The holocaust isn't something I really wanted fully immerse my child in at this age but, considering the rise of Nazism and Naziism-lite here and around the world, I think the time has arrived. Its never to soon to start hating Nazis after all.

Anybody wanna weigh in on this - even you Nazi bitch-boys?

I am kind of worried about making this a real downer trip as our first must see is the Enola Gay. However, I feel that showing my kid around my school and other things in DC that have positive memories and context for me might balance it out.
I wouldn't do it.
Keep her in a Happy place as long as possible, life will rear it's ugly head soon enough.