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Well-Known Member
Not much info, guessing crappy lighting and poor medium, based on those pics. Post more info.


Well-Known Member
New to this. Sativa clone citradelic growing in soil…5 weeks since clone was planted and I just feel like I’m doing something wrong due to the growth not taking off. Suggestions welcome!!!
Needs way more light judging by all that side branching hugging the main stalk.
It looks like it's been decapitated.. the soil needs some aeration, and the pot should have drainage out the bottom.
Fans look ok.. so there's some sort of food in the soil.. looks like it hasn't been enough tho. It's going to want food soon.


Well-Known Member
Are you growing this in shadelight hidden in a windchannel of a window in your basement? it needs direct light, so dont remove leaves further


Well-Known Member
Loads more light.... transfer it into a fabric pot and buy a decent led light.

Also loads of air movement


Not sure if you have a fan in there or not but like some others have said it looks like you need more light/air. Looks like its showing a little moisture stress as well. Medium may be a little too saturated with other things being considered but the extra light/air should help with that!