Technicallly any trip changes you for the rest of the life, same as "thinking about stuff" without a trip.... it's normal. The brain reorderns all the time. If you came across something that you can't get your head around with your knowledge, and finally you get it in your head, then a magic happens, you have changed personally completely. Now you argue different, see it different, know it different and react different in future, anything the matter you enlightened yourself plays into.
Galileo Galilei just said after prooving it scientificaly: "And yet it is moving"
Half a century later.... every human inside the civilisation changed their mind!
The psychedelics can speed up your neural reconfiguring, they kind of initiate reorganising processes what involves making more connections between your neurons, and more of it, because the trip adds up a lot of information that has to be filtered from your head. Beware that while you throw JUNK at your head.... choose wisely what you spent you time with durign and after the trip! It did not finished completey only because the visual halucinations weared off.... then the trip really begins at first for your brain! Beware that! The "after-glow" time! This can take week monthes, so you should wait for the next until you feel really ready, not pop them in a row.
Jesus Christ! But dont believe him if you see him trippin
Obviously this can be danger, if you believed in fairtales, demons, shapefiters and conspiracies before, or just beeing very religious and then focus on that on a trip.... guess what, you going to see them everywhere, aliens, or jesus, or elvis, and that might not leave for the rest of your life when you burn THAT in your brain for 3 days, like seeing the mermaids you believe in. They then stay... because you believed in them, if you know it's just not real and want them to NOT LEAVE, stay in the fun, they be gone soon! Thats what our brain does.... it understand it's not real and eliminates it from the vision, but if you actually believe it... fuck it and fuck you, you are fucked then!.... If you stend 3 days on LSD playing grantourismo on the playstation.... your in a race driving the rest of your life, your hands look like you holding a controller, the rest of your life, i know one that had that trip, just sit there in the park on a bank, always gaming.... beware what to spend your time with! Thats why you want somebody to keep an eye on you to change your subjects, not to get stuck on something! You should not repeat things. Switch what you pay attention on... that helps a lot for protection!
When I use them, I just have this splinter in my head, to just not believe ANYTHING, its just fun. You dont take them to connect to your ancestors, to show you who you are, or to help you with your life..... it's just fun. And only when I accept it to be only that, and do it only for that reason, like Steve-O, to enjoy some fun outside the reality, anything just wears off.
Thats my experience. And it's not like I do them often... and of course my last post was kinda extremely sarcastic... of course I dont do it for the reason to land in the nuthouse and i dont mix them, just played it to show you how insane that would be

. I respect it and most of the times, I plan to use them, I have them, then I wanna take them, and I dont do it, procrastinate it HALF a year, dont feel ready, not feelt good... I asked myself the last moment, "you really want?" Most of the times, my inner self ansers: "No, not yet, need more preparation time". Then I leave it and get back to it later
When something is boggling me badly, problems in family whatever.... I leave it! Surely! I dont want to CAUSE mental illness, depression, like if my father just died... i dont throw LSD to conenct to him, dude, that would be crazy mental illness before, to do that at all for such kind of reason, in that kind of moment..... WTF... no correlation? But causation!
It works good for me in avoiding bad trips of having them not wear off.
Think about what you believe in before, your ideologies, what you wanna have it for? You get that consequences! Doing it for fun, beeing earth-grounded, nothing boggling your mind, no problems atm, and having someone having an eye on you... is the safest. Recreational use? Yeah you WANT it to CHANGE you, to re-create you, you put a
meaning to it
before taking them.... and you get that out, thats why you should
think at least twice... wisely! BEFORE popping them! I never do that on purpose, i just want my brain to get disctracted and feel it waving like that. I dont trust the information. Dont believe the high! Its just brain holliday. Thats safe for me.... and honestlky one trip and long pauses between is best. My last post was just sarcastic, in case you didn't get it.
Still i really reocmmend you the podcast of Kent, Dosenation. It is really great podcast about the dark sides psychelics.
It made me humble and think more about the actual dangers, learn from that people Kent shows and how to avoid them. The dangers are absolutely real.... there isnt correlation, but causation, if you do them wrong! Absolutely! Theres people making holes in their skulls because of psychedelics!!
Correlation CAUSATION does exist! Please anybody DONT go down that rabbit hole! Stay in reality, stay sane! I used to be shizophrenic, but we're OK now, thx Cubensis! It was not the cause of it, but it brought it on the table, and It helped me figuring it out and manage it. I have just different contrary opinions in me, everyone has that, but it's just one voice. Mine. Psychedelics helped me discover my sanity
And if you see yourself getting more sane each time, believing less bullshit each time, less fairytales, less mermaids, riddling out the contrary opinions inside you seeking for the truth of it, that other people just live with and get along with not finding out... then you are on the right way of doing. Then you see what crazy insane stuff the guys actually really believe in that never popped psychedelics, like the religious people, that the saviour is coming.... or the commercialists like believing in this devastating finance-system feeding the radical economics of mankind destroying our habitate to be "sane" but it's just a wicked entity out of human control!