Quick question


Active Member
Correct, with the assumption that you're adding according to some kind of feeding schedule that has good amounts. Otherwise when you're using nutrient rich soil you're adding nutrients to nutrients that are already in the soil and it's hard to tell what's already there and in what quantities. Also note that your plants will tell you if you're feeding too much or too little as well (pay attention to those leaves...).
I apologize if I'm asking too many questions. But there's a fine line between over feeding and under feeding right. And I can look at the leaves. What exactly am I looking for


Well-Known Member
So I happen to have the same nutes already because I have 2 plants in the dwc setup and am feeding it those nutes. So regardless of the soil....get the soil with minimal nutes so I can add them myself amd not overfeeding right
As far as nutrients go the sky is the limit, since your using a DWC then I guess you have been check? If not then I would recommend Advanced Nutrients for a new grower. They have a PH Perfect line that removes the guess work as far as PH is concerned, and it works good, I use it currently. Advanced has it's haters though. Jacks 123 appears to get good reviews without complaints. Canna is a very good line too. I'm not to keen on using General Hydroponics, can't say why but just don't want to I guess. I'm more than Likely going to try Emerald Harvest next time.

Overall any nutrient will work just grab the base nutrients. Most companies out there string you along with additives that promise the world and in reality they just dont make that much of a difference. Thats why I recommended only base, floralicious plus and recharge. Floralicious is similar to Terpinator in that one enhances bud size and one enhances terpines or so they say. Just keep it simple and make it through a successful grow. You'll realize that you dont need to be strung along by companies trying to make sales. A fan for your tent cost $30 at the hydro store and $15 at Home Depot. Recharge works in the soil to help the micro organisms and add them. Floralicious is cheap enough for a why not response. Either way do simple the first vfew times out so you know the difference when you start adding and when you have problems.


Well-Known Member
I apologize if I'm asking too many questions. But there's a fine line between over feeding and under feeding right. And I can look at the leaves. What exactly am I looking for
There's a bunch of places that can suggest the PPM for good feeds in various stages. They're all a bit different so you'll have to do some 'best guesses'.

If you haven't already, look at this. https://www.growweedeasy.com/marijuana-symptoms

Also if you haven't done a deep dive on that site, it's got lots of good basic info (though some bro-sci mixed in here and there). Look at their suggestions for nutrients, feeding, watering, temps/humidity, etc.


Active Member
There's a bunch of places that can suggest the PPM for good feeds in various stages. They're all a bit different so you'll have to do some 'best guesses'.

If you haven't already, look at this. https://www.growweedeasy.com/marijuana-symptoms

Also if you haven't done a deep dive on that site, it's got lots of good basic info (though some bro-sci mixed in here and there). Look at their suggestions for nutrients, feeding, watering, temps/humidity, etc.
I literally find myself reading all day. Even at work. Its just some contradict each other so info from actual conversations seems to be the way I wanna go.


Well-Known Member
I apologize if I'm asking too many questions. But there's a fine line between over feeding and under feeding right. And I can look at the leaves. What exactly am I looking for
healthy leaves are stiff in comparison to a wilted leaf. A wilted leaf will droop down. A wilted leaf will also be soft. Don't over think it, Just get the light, and water similar to what I mentioned earlier. You'll get the hang of it quicker than you know. You'll see changes in the plant, once it starts growing right with enough light that is. The best thing I every did for my grow was to say "fuck that sorry ass plant" then suddenly everything became less stressful and the girls took off. Dont worry about the shit, it either will or wont. If at first you dont succeed try and try again. You'll learn more from a failure then you will from success.

You can always go to growweedeasy.com and even check out https://forum.grasscity.com/ and do more research on your own