***DAT's Art Cave***

I saw this bird walking at break time . Always looking for alligators . Signs are everywhere . They say “DO NOT SWIM with th ALLiGators.”
I found this place up north, now on my bucket list. Its
Not very far. It’s a
Sink hole that got filled with water and now is a hot spring with minerals to cure and heal. So what if I got there early and an alligator was I there? They charge $15 to soak. Reviews say it smells like sulfur but has one of the highest mineral content of any hot springs in the world and peels the skin off your feet.
We are headed to go check out the waves from Hurricane Sam this weekend . We moved rooms around in the condo and now the workout room needs some work . I Came up with an idea of another Art piece that I just might follow through with . It just happened that the way the room fell together there is an empty spot on the wall next to the Mars collage so I want to make a sister piece to go right next to it in Similar design but all in blue colors . It will be the blue planet. Is there a real blue planet out there ? A643B282-1A1D-4D4F-8BDF-F145FBD03677.jpeg
Spent a lot of time in the water today and did some snorkeling . There were many large curious dragonfly’s swarming about in the beach and the water and weather were perfect . We found a new trail in the area we always hike so that was really nice.
I put a couple shell collages to hang outside on our patio and unfortunately the humidity moistened the glue and they fell off! I am going to try to repair them.
Soaking them in water to get old glue off . I am waiting for the season to bring me some more of these little white shells that are sparse these days and then start collecting again. I hope you had a nice relaxing enjoyable weekend.