Does this still work or do you have a deal for something comparable? Sorry to sound ignorant but I often worry having a bunch of stuff on a 5 dollar Walmart power surge thing. I don’t even know what happens if I overload it. Blow breaker? I have so many plugs. Don’t want to burn the home down but I don’t even know what it’d take to cause that but this big power supply looks quality and safe. Thanks
I bought it.
IMO, only one light per strip (1000w) and be careful of high power needs devices, chiller, a/c, dehumidifier... How much to overload it? 1000w light and a 900w heater.
What will happen? Simplest outcome, the internal breaker on the power strip will trip and the unit won't work. Worst case scenario, all breakers on that circuit fail to trip, high power and current usage degrades your wires and the weakest point catches fire.
Those cheap ass Walmart strips offer little to no surge protection and i would be a bit leery of the quality of internal components.