Thanks Cathedral and hamimmal for your answer, with all due respect I checked out what merriam-webster said about left of center and right of center and to quote what said was;
Definition of right of center: believing in the value of established and traditional practices in politics and society: having conservative views
Definition of left of center: believing that government should be active in supporting social and political change: having liberal views
Funny, I could not find out what the definition of "center" ?
I gather the majority of folks that chat here would be considered "left" where as anyone that has the dogma of being "right" are in the minority.
It makes sense why anyone with conservative opinions are maligned by the majority of folks and obviously not welcomed to voice their opinion.
Having said that, I'm thinking that If conservatives would just keep their strolling and stupid opinions to themselves, this forum would really become lame and boring, having to always listening to views of others which are the same as yours.
Just my babbling opinion.
Spark up.