I could use some help with my cab! (9 PIX)


Well-Known Member
First and foremost this is the issue I am having! TEMPS REACH 98 DEGREES!


Heres my closet!


Here's my cab!



I have a home made cab with a 400 Watt HPS DIY Cool Tube , and two 120mm PC Fans (about 70cfm's each). One for cab exhaust and the other for "cooling" the cool tube (pushing air from the left side and exhausted out the top). More than likely, I am going to have to get a stronger fan to blow the cool air through the Cool Tube, but is a 4" Axial Fan (105 cfm's) enough or do I need more? And once I replace the fan how much more will my temps drop? Once I free up 1 PC fan, where should I put it? Perhaps inside the cab somewhere? Please help!

All your input is greatly appreciated and please don't hesitate to be hard on me (NO HOMO!)

Thanks in advance!
i had a buddy just growing in his closet with temps in the nineties. and he used one of those 4 inch inline duct fan and it brought his temps down to the mid eighties in the summer and a lil cooler in the winter...and he didnt duct the air out just used the fan to move the air away from the light since the longer are sits around the light it gets warmer and warmer
you can get those inline fans at the home depot for around $25 put those in ur cool tube i think should fix ur problem
you can get those inline fans at the home depot for around $25 put those in ur cool tube i think should fix ur problem

Should I put add a duct fan in addition to the PC fan? I had only a 4" duct fan in there earlier this week and the temps where a bit higher. I took it back though casue it was only a 63 cfm "booster"! Should I do that or just spend a little more money and get one of those big fans that shoot out like 200 cfm's? I don't wanna spend money if I don't have to but I am also trying to make this sum'bitch 120% compliant for growing to get the ball rolling. I guess what I am trying to say is that I want my cab to be cool to the point that alls I have to do is turn the heat on in the crib if I need to. Right now it just seems like I'm better off puttng them in the oven or the microwave. Not gettin impatient but I'm no Bob Villa!

thanks again for your input!
i had a buddy just growing in his closet with temps in the nineties. and he used one of those 4 inch inline duct fan and it brought his temps down to the mid eighties in the summer and a lil cooler in the winter...and he didnt duct the air out just used the fan to move the air away from the light since the longer are sits around the light it gets warmer and warmer

Was he growing in a cab in a closet? How big was his cab? lol
I can see the main problem. Not enough intake. Heres what you do. Cut several long slots towards the bottom of the cabinet and make small air inlets, add 1 more PC fan and have them sucking air out the top. Hot air rises so you need to exhaust out the top. air at bottom of room is the coolest, so you will suck coolest air in and hottest air out. Basically you will have passive air intake.
My retarded ass is scared to drill another hole. There is a 4" hole on the other side of that home made silver flap at the bottom.

well grab some nuts and drill a 3 inch diameter hole or get a friend to.. remember most problems dont come from the plant but the grower there is a reason it's called "weed" just do what you have to do
Have you thought of smell control? And how big are you trying to get those plants.. are you going to use LST? that light needs to be like 12" above the plant.. or you might have light burn.. What is the current temp in the box? close it all up... let it run for an hour and see what is your max temp. If you get a 4" inline fan from HD that will move not then enough air. you can even put a filter on it...

Look at the filter here... its a carbon filter made for stuff at HD for less then $25.
The fan was also $25.. and all my smell and heat issues are gone.
I think I'll go ahead and get a 178 cfm inline fan for cooling the cool tube and odor control. Does that sound do-able?
dude it seems like u have made a cupboard to go into another cupboard ??

and the rest looked empty lol why didnt you use the whole thing to grow in ?? and how big is your growroom at the moment ?