too much breeze?


Active Member
SO i heard it was good to have air circulating so that the plant can get more CO2. this makes sense, so i got a fan in the little grow area, but it is fairly large and produces alot of wind. I have the fan blowing away from the plant against a wall, but the leaves are still moving.

Does it matter? I dont think so, but how much breeze is too much?

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
A breeze is fine for the plants.In fact it is suggested. It stresses the stems and causes them to grow fatter to strengthen the plant thus making more food supply up to the plant.


New Member
SO i heard it was good to have air circulating so that the plant can get more CO2. this makes sense, so i got a fan in the little grow area, but it is fairly large and produces alot of wind. I have the fan blowing away from the plant against a wall, but the leaves are still moving.

Does it matter? I dont think so, but how much breeze is too much?
if your plants blow over then thats too much:lol:.
the fan blowing them quite hard is good for stem strength and air circulation just find a want the fan leaves moving/fanning as well as the stem as much as you can and more fanning=stronger plants so you can increase the fan as they get stronger.


Well-Known Member
Thats not it.. plants expel o2(what we take in)... we expel co2(what plants take in).. the fan is to.. strengthen stem in smaller baby plants and to remove o2 from grow area, ..its like a human trying to live on what he expels..its poison to the plant.. some introduce co2 by means of yeast, brew beer/wine in grow area.. some use scrubbers to clean air for plants...Fans also cool...