Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

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I guess I'll jump in here with you young whipper snappers. I'm 70 and fully retired. I started smoking pot at age 18, but LSD was my gateway drug to weed. I got serious about growing about 15 years ago, right before I joined RIU; I've been a member here for over 12 years. I'm very much of an experimenter, soil, hydro, aero, but no rusty nails or cat piss nutes. Been smoking out with my kids since way before I started growing. My son helps me occasionally with the grow, but mostly he just smokes more than anyone I've ever seen. That's why I grew almost 60 plants for personal use - and that includes my son's personal use. I've never sold so much as a gram of weed; I know that's crazy but it's true.

I ran across this site, don't know anything about it. I joined for a year to see what's up.
Right wing horse shit. You need to go to Politics.
:shock: have you read some of the posts in politics?....the biggest fucking morons in there are in their 50s...i'm in my 50s...nuff said?

Morons come in all ages.

But you're probably correct..

I post occasionally in the Politics section and I'm in my 50's

I don't consider myself a moron but I can see how some would. :mrgreen:

The thing is that I don't care. I used to care what others thought about me but now that I've gotten older I realize it doesn't matter.

I'm just another 50 something that just wants to make it to the finish line.

Aren't you?

No, it's more like a slow drain; it doesn't all get leaked out til about age 68, then it just turns to shit.

Well that sux. I got less than a year before it all turns to shit then. :) When I was a teen I never figured I'd make thirty and now I'm staring down the barrel at 70. WTF happened?

Wish I could remember the 70s. I know it was a lot of fun but it's like a damn fog over the whole decade. Started in '69 when I smoked my first joint then a week later dropped a horse cap of Purple Haze and spent the day at Wreck Beach in Vancouver with a bunch of fellow students from the 'free school' I was going to on Burrard St. downtown. Lobster red all over at the end of the day. Us gingers shouldn't spend the whole day nekkid on a beach. lol Acid was my trip of choice for a good 5 years after that.

Been a hell of a ride and it's not over yet. No rush to see the ending.

The 50 somethings are probably the smartest age group.

I don't know about that. I know 50 somethings that are already 80 something in their heads and 80 somethings that still think they're teenagers. I know my mind is still always seeking answers and has a juvenile bent I hope lasts 'til the end. Act your age they say but fuck that. Only old farts say that because they've given up on life and are generally miserable and like to make others miserable so they don't feel so alone.

After 50 the ride gets bumpier but it can still be a good ride.

I don't know about that. I know 50 somethings that are already 80 something in their heads and 80 somethings that still think they're teenagers. I know my mind is still always seeking answers and has a juvenile bent I hope lasts 'til the end. Act your age they say but fuck that. Only old farts say that because they've given up on life and are generally miserable and like to make others miserable so they don't feel so alone.

After 50 the ride gets bumpier but it can still be a good ride.

Golden years...reaches for magnum size Motrin :bigjoint: