yes i know that but why is it better to do so instead of just using daylight for flowering also.daylight for vegging (6500k)
soft/warm white for flowering (2700k)
if you're using CFL's
well im gonna go buy the daylights I need and then after a few weeks go buy the warm or soft. I was just curious if it would work so I may save some money buy I will probably buy the warm also. Im a new grower and just trying to do all the research I can before my little sprouts get big.sorry about that i didn't read it correctly
that's a good question.. i heard you could use daylights to flower though
but, the production of bud would most likely be shitty.. is what i think also..
why? do you only have daylights? or you were just curious? lol
yes im using my closet and go to my profile and click on threads started by jon and click on the one that says will these lights work and those will be the lights im gonna use.^ yeah, do you have a grow box or grow area already ready?
ok cool thanks thats basicly what I wanted to know.The temperature of the lights gives off colors the plant use in photosynthesis.... the redder <spelling> is used in budding to promote dense thicker buds also helps with production of resin... the Daylight or 6500k are more blue and thats used for stem growth and to promote over all growth the fan leafs use this to produce energy for growth... this is just what i read in the bible. not fact just IMO info...