Did I harvest too early?

Can’t tell from a dry nug like that in a photo.
You have pics of the plant culled?

Trim job sucks. Might wanna tighten that up for better flavor. Or not. Up to you
Looking good!
Not in reference to how early it is though. No idea. You trim better than I do on My wet trim for sure. If I want it nicer I do it later but that looks good to me, especially if you have a lot to harvest. If it's in danger I'd get it in.
On first glance id guess its 96% cloudy trics, that medicine is ready to be made into hash for certain. Standards after cloudy trics isnt a battle im getting in with anyone here but according to the Trichome Guide of Getting Fkt Up it scores a win.
Do you have a picture of your trimmed bud for reference?
I don’t do pissing contests man. So there is no reference.
And like you quoted. I was just giving him a hard time. No offense made by it. Just being funny. No harm no fowl. And I’m definitely not saying mine is better. I’m lazy af right now with trimming. I’m over it. Might as well use my fingers


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