I've never chipped a tooth.

When I was a kid and one of my back teeth was loose, I bit on a jolly rancher and it got stuck. When I pulled the jolly rancher out my tooth came with it.

Oh god, that reminds me of another time. I think it was the first time I ever lost a tooth, and I didn't want anyone to pull it out. My dad asked if I'd let him see, and promised not to pull it out.

Yeah, the jerk yanked that shit out. I felt so betrayed...
when my son was like 6, he had one hanging by a thread and would not let me pull it out. when he went to sleep I snagged it and he never woke up...
When dinosaurs roamed the earth we'd tie a string to the tooth then to the door knob and slam... must have had 5 teeth pulled that way...... Granted a "bit" more civilized then in Doc Holidays days.... when barbers did dental and surgeries....
But I digress...........
When dinosaurs roamed the earth we'd tie a string to the tooth then to the door knob and slam... must have had 5 teeth pulled that way...... Granted a "bit" more civilized then in Doc Holidays days.... when barbers did dental and surgeries....
But I digress...........
Me and my siblings did that!!!! My butthead brother one time did it to me on a non-loose tooth, bastard! Wow, I totally forgot about that until I read what you wrote, now I will have nightmares.:shock:
There were some gruesome "home remedies" then.. mustard plaster... high colonics..phlebotomy (blood letting).. they still do that for iron OD..etc. Kind of make enemas look subtle......No pain, no strain..just sit there and drain...
Morning all...........

time zones are a bitch. its only 10.30 here....i've got a few hours till i think about cashing it in

LOL... Actually it was 10:30 here too.. I'm old...papa needs his sleep...

will it be by candlelight , with soft music :o:o:o:o

It wasn't as relaxing as I'd hoped..I have a clear green shower curtain, so I'm sitting there and the cat is watching and I stuck my face up against the curtain.. well I guess the cat thought it was an invitation to play, so he runs and jumps at my face.. and ends up in the tub..which is not good..being in a restricted area with a pissed cat is a potential risk to sensitive body parts...So heres twisty chasing a soaked pissed cat around the place... So much for a soak and read... it ended up a dry and mop up... Plus my book fell into the tub and looks like fucking popcorn this morning... great..I borrowed it too...
Of course... stupid cat...:roll:

i imagine steel wool.
Imagine 250lbs of twisty jumping on your head.........:p:p:p
Whens the last time you got a good beating.... you're about due... :p
I read a lot.. I have to curtail myself..books are pricey here.. $11.00 CAD... I read 18 books once in a month...

When I was locked up for 44 days i read 8 books ,,

I guess you would have to come a long way to throw that beating ...LOL Can you still lift your leg.. To kick me at least
When I was locked up for 44 days i read 8 books ,,

I guess you would have to come a long way to throw that beating ...LOL Can you still lift your leg.. To kick me at least
LOL.... Man busy morning.. just did 3 loads of laundry.. next bowl brigade *shudders*... then vac the floor....
44 days..that sucks.. my longest was 3 days.. I kicked a cop in the balls when he pulled my hair..I always hated that..the old lady was a hair puller..The cops put handcuffs on me and they'd trip me..... them they put me in cell naked, and every time one walked by I'd yell that is wife was gobbling the other shifts as he worked...Apparently he didn't approve..he kept coming into my cell with his friends and beat me up..which was good..I got off because of cut wrists and red beat down marks... woo hoo ow !!
LOL.... Man busy morning.. just did 3 loads of laundry.. next bowl brigade *shudders*... then vac the floor....
44 days..that sucks.. my longest was 3 days.. I kicked a cop in the balls when he pulled my hair..I always hated that..the old lady was a hair puller..The cops put handcuffs on me and they'd trip me..... them they put me in cell naked, and every time one walked by I'd yell that is wife was gobbling the other shifts as he worked...Apparently he didn't approve..he kept coming into my cell with his friends and beat me up..which was good..I got off because of cut wrists and red beat down marks... woo hoo ow !!

Damn Twisty .. Your a true blue Badass........LOL