Is Biden really that bad?

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I know Mitch isn't a fan. Not sure about Cotton. But based on all the books put out lately, it's probably just more liberal horse shit.
Funny that Trump and the rest of the insurrectionist RINO's call all the actual Republican voters that are not in their cult 'liberals'.

I know Mitch isn't a fan. Not sure about Cotton. But based on all the books put out lately, it's probably just more liberal horse shit. Trump is Trump, polarizing figure due to his personality.
And his actions of trying to destroy our democracy.

Trumptards lol. You should worry more about the crazy libs fool.
Why because they are the ones that the domestic terrorist Trump cultists use as cover?
Anybody who voted for Trump voted for a white supremacist/right wing radical. To me, people who voted for Trump are no different than he is. Hard to say if they reflect the sentiment of the same fraction of non-voters. So, a generous assumption is 73 million right wing radicals out of 360 million total population -- 20% or 1 in five. Less generous assumption is slightly less than half the US population are right wing assholes.

Between the House and Senate there are 264 Republicans holding a seat. 17 of them either voted to impeach or remove him from office after Jan 6.

So, I'd make it, 17/264 or 6% or 6 out of a hundred moderate Republicans currently hold office in Congress.

Did you ever stop to think that the folks that voted for him simply wanted less government, more jobs, more freedom and putting the working Americans ahead of non-working shit bags?
Did you ever stop to think that the folks that voted for him simply wanted less government, more jobs, more freedom and putting the working Americans ahead of non-working shit bags?
Some sure, but others were brainwashed into thinking that Democrats murder babies, that immigrants are bad for the nation, some were flat out racists that feel like there is some kind of white genocide (there isn't), that somehow people protesting their communities being ground down for generations with police brutality and lack of economic and education equality were the white nationalists that were attacking these cities, any and every crazy ass thing that people could be tricked into beleiving that is a lie aimed to get people to hate 'the libs' enough to vote for a would-be dictator.

It seems that you fell into the right wing propaganda that would see rivers and lakes catch on fire due to industrial pollution, and somehow people getting support in the time of need takes away from you (it doesn't).
How’d that work out for them?

How many “working Americans” benefited from a tax break for the uber rich?

You dumb.

Everyone that had a job benefitted from Trump's policies. If you didn't work, then not so much. Don't believe me, look at the economy and inflation now. If you're a canuk, how about you stick to your country's politics and let us Americans worry about ours?
Everyone that had a job benefitted from Trump's policies. If you didn't work, then not so much. Don't believe me, look at the economy and inflation now. If you're a canuk, how about you stick to your country's politics and let us Americans worry about ours?
Really how about those million or so people that were out of work during the government shutdown in the middle of the holidays because of Dear Leader throwing a temper tantrum about his wall?

Nor all the millions of people that lost their jobs in the largest drop ever that was due to Trump's mishandling of the pandemic. It sure would have been nice to have the federal pandemic response team that Trump disbanded because it was done under Obama. Shot 2021-10-13 at 10.46.17 AM.png
Everyone that had a job benefitted from Trump's policies. If you didn't work, then not so much. Don't believe me, look at the economy and inflation now. If you're a canuk, how about you stick to your country's politics and let us Americans worry about ours?

Can you tell me how inflation impacts your life? I know why it gets pushed as some terrible thing, and believe certain people have an incentive to get a bunch on board that it is some sort of boogieman.

The broad economy is roughly the same as it was under Trump, pretty divorced from the stock market and kind of shaky. Lots of jobs under both really, part of the reason employers are bitching about nobody wanting to work is that they do want to work, just not for dogshit companies that want to exploit them. Too much opportunity out there to be stuck in a position of having to accept your lot in life.
Can you tell me how inflation impacts your life? I know why it gets pushed as some terrible thing, and believe certain people have an incentive to get a bunch on board that it is some sort of boogieman.

The broad economy is roughly the same as it was under Trump, pretty divorced from the stock market and kind of shaky. Lots of jobs under both really, part of the reason employers are bitching about nobody wanting to work is that they do want to work, just not for dogshit companies that want to exploit them. Too much opportunity out there to be stuck in a position of having to accept your lot in life.

Gas prices, food prices go up. Pretty much everything an American needs to live costs more. So, it gives me less money to feed and care for my family, duh...
Everyone that had a job benefitted from Trump's policies. If you didn't work, then not so much. Don't believe me, look at the economy and inflation now. If you're a canuk, how about you stick to your country's politics and let us Americans worry about ours?

Kind of surprised people have forgotten already. Google "trump tariff steel workers" and also "trump tariff farmers".
book was written by a guy from the washington examiner.

you aren't very bright, huh?

So what? A guy that works for the examiner can't be a liberal? I suppose the main stream media isn't full of liberals?

Bottom line: Joe Biden and his family are criminals. And he's so senile he can't string a coherent thought together or read a teleprompter. Geez...
Gas prices, food prices go up. Pretty much everything an American needs to live costs more. So, it gives me less money to feed and care for my family, duh...

We should probably import less stuff.

So, the ultra rich suffer under inflation. Their hoards of gold or whatever become worth less. It obviously doesn't always pan out, but in theory that inflation is fine for the average Joe, the growth in wages and the economy should make up for it. You just aren't dealing with large enough amounts over a long enough period for it to matter.

There is a vested interest by that elite .01% or whatever you want to define them as, to protect their wealth. They get the masses sold on the idea that inflation is bad, but it just is part of the economy. Wages go up (in theory) with inflation, again, not something the wealthy people that own it all are fond of.
Did you ever stop to think that the folks that voted for him simply wanted less government, more jobs, more freedom and putting the working Americans ahead of non-working shit bags?
Actually, I've spent some time on the subject. In fact, people who voted for Trump did not feel any more economic anxiety than people who voted for Clinton. Median income among Trump voters was quite a bit higher than Clinton voters, so, I'd say they weren't really all that stressed out, just worried and wound up by right wing propaganda.

What was clear: Trump's rhetoric attracted votes from misogynist and racist whites like no other candidate in the modern era.

This is all to say that it's a fucking lie that white people voted for Trump because they wanted less government. The government expanded programs and grew spending under Trump and you are trying to say otherwise. The states that voted for Trump also collect more from the Federal government than they pay in federal taxes. Regarding freedom? "I can't breathe". Also, you fuckers tried to steal away an election you lost. You are no more concerned about freedom than Hannibal Lector was about table manners. Stop it with the lying and gaslighting. It doesn't work any more.

A Republican wants to cancel programs that other people need. Corollary to that is Republicans want more from the government than they currently receive, regardless of social standing.
We should probably import less stuff.

So, the ultra rich suffer under inflation. Their hoards of gold or whatever become worth less. It obviously doesn't always pan out, but in theory that inflation is fine for the average Joe, the growth in wages and the economy should make up for it. You just aren't dealing with large enough amounts over a long enough period for it to matter.

There is a vested interest by that elite .01% or whatever you want to define them as, to protect their wealth. They get the masses sold on the idea that inflation is bad, but it just is part of the economy. Wages go up (in theory) with inflation, again, not something the wealthy people that own it all are fond of.

I'm not ultra rich, I'm talking about the masses that aren't.

Give it up, Biden sucks.
So what? A guy that works for the examiner can't be a liberal? I suppose the main stream media isn't full of liberals?

Bottom line: Joe Biden and his family are criminals. And he's so senile he can't string a coherent thought together or read a teleprompter. Geez...
You do know he has a stutter right?

You guys just come off as hateful dickheads for making fun of someone with a speech impediment that are lying about a man whose taxes are out in the open for everyone to see how not corrupt he was.

Leverage in trade deals with china. Want to make an omelette, you need to break a few eggs...
That got us jack shit but about a $1.2 economic reduction in the economy.
Actually, I've spent some time on the subject. In fact, people who voted for Trump did not feel any more economic anxiety than people who voted for Clinton. Median income among Trump voters was quite a bit higher than Clinton voters, so, I'd say they weren't really all that stressed out, just worried and wound up by right wing propaganda.

What was clear: Trump's rhetoric attracted votes from misogynist and racist whites like no other candidate in the modern era.

This is all to say that it's a fucking lie that white people voted for Trump because they wanted less government. The government expanded programs and grew spending under Trump and you are trying to say otherwise. The states that voted for Trump also collect more from the Federal government than they pay in federal taxes. Regarding freedom? "I can't breathe". Also, you fuckers tried to steal away an election you lost. You are no more concerned about freedom than Hannibal Lector was about table manners. Stop it with the lying and gaslighting. It doesn't work any more.

A Republican wants to cancel programs that other people need. Corollary to that is Republicans want more from the government than they currently receive, regardless of social standing.

It's not a lie. I'm white, middle class, college educated and a veteran. I want less government. Don't speak for people you don't know anything about...
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