Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

You and your mom were tight tho right? I almost feel bad about it now 'cause it was manipulative... any time I wanted to do something that needed permission or money I would go to my dad and tell him that mom said go ask you... and he almost always said yes.
My brother was such a horrible little Tasmanian devil. so I was given a long leash, and mostly used it to go outside into the yard and read. I was calm and quiet, and never did much to earn her ire. I was very manipulative though... >.<
I got "Wait till your dad comes home." My mom slapped my face once, it shocked me.
My 17 y/o got it across the face once. She then doubled up her fist and drew back to punch me. I swept her legs out from under her and suggested she stay down. When she started to get up I put my sneaker in the middle of her back and had a discussion with her about her behavior.
My wife learned how to protect herself by an ex Green Beret, not a good idea to mess with her. I learned to box from a state champion golden gloves boxer, the lessons were over when a pulled punch I did sent him to his knees.
Mine spit in my face when I found her in her room naked with her 32 y/o meth dealing boyfriend. I was pretty proud I merely slapped her and put her on the floor while we talked it out. So there was no violence.